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October 28-29, 2024 | Tokyo, Japan
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Hall A (3) clear filter
Monday, October 28

11:15 JST

Architecting Kubernetes-Based Internal Developer Platforms: Essential Patterns and Practices - Hiroshi Hayakawa, LY Corporation
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Recent IT paradigms like DevOps, CD, and IaC have shortened release cycles but burdened developers with mastering many tools. Platform Engineering, a field of software engineering frequently discussed in the CNCF, addresses this by providing Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) that automate non-essential tasks. Kubernetes is widely used to run the various components that make up an IDP, thanks to its consistent API experience and high extensibility. However, Kubernetes was initially created as a general foundation for running workloads, not as part of platforms. Therefore, IDP builders must add Cloud Native technologies and customizations to Kubernetes. Despite three years since the rise of platform engineering, making the right architectural and technology choices remains challenging and requires a deep understanding of the organization's context and technologies. In this session, he will explain various architectural patterns for building IDPs using Kubernetes, including access control and multitenancy. Additionally, based on years of experience providing Kubernetes-based IDPs, he will discuss the pros/cons, operational considerations, and suitable organizational structures.
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Hiroshi Hayakawa

Staff Platform Engineer, LY Corporation
Hiroshi is a lead engineer of Kubernetes-based application platforms in LY Corporation's Private Cloud Division. The company runs many large-scale applications on its Kubernetes-based platform, and Hiroshi is skilled in running applications stably at such a scale. He has also been... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Hall A (3)

12:05 JST

Open Source LLMs in the Cloud: Scalable Solutions - Miley Fu, WasmEdge
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
The demand for running LLMs in the cloud is growing exponentially. In this keynote, we will explore developer’s and enterprises’ urging need for open source LLMs and the best practices for deploying them in cloud-native environments. Three key approaches for LLM deployment: Python-based solutions, native runtimes like llama.cpp or vLLM, and WebAssembly as an abstraction layer. Miley will discuss the benefits and challenges of each approach, focusing on real-world applications, integration ease, portability, and resource efficiency and talk about the CNCF CNAI ecosystem landscape. This keynote aims to demystify cloud-native AI. Attendees will have practical advice and a clear roadmap for deploying LLMs in the cloud, learning about the strengths and trade-offs of different approaches, to have a better idea to select and implement the most suitable strategy
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Miley Fu

DevRel, WasmEdge
Miley is a Developer Advocate with a passion for empowering developers to build and contribute to open source. With over 5 years of experience working on WasmEdge runtime in CNCF sandbox as the founding member, she talked at KubeCon, KCD Shenzhen, CloudDay Italy, DevRelCon, Open Source... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
Hall A (3)

14:00 JST

Unlocking the Power of OpenTelemetry: Enhancing Design, Development, and Testing - Takaya Ide & Yasuo Nakashima, Hitachi, Ltd.
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Developers often face the complex challenges of designing, debugging, and testing distributed systems like microservices. Understanding failures, identifying performance issues, and ensuring system reliability from the early stages of design and development can be daunting. Observability technologies provide valuable insights not just in production but also during design and development. In this session, we will explore OpenTelemetry, a cutting-edge observability framework, and its practical applications in the design, debugging, and testing of distributed systems. Key topics include: - Assessing the impact of incorporating a cache server on system behavior during the design phase. - Evaluating how database failures affect both backend and frontend applications during fault testing. - Detecting performance bottlenecks for specific requests during load testing. Participants will gain a clear understanding of how OpenTelemetry can revolutionize their debugging and testing processes, leading to more effective experiments and increased reliability in their distributed systems.
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Yasuo Nakashima

Researcher, Hitachi, Ltd.
Researcher, Digital Services Platform Innovation Center. 
avatar for Takaya Ide

Takaya Ide

Senior Researcher, Hitachi, Ltd.
Takaya is a Senior Researcher in Service Computing at Hitachi, Ltd. With a passion for Cloud Native, DevSecOps, and open-source contributions, he has been instrumental in designing architectures and implementing monitoring and security within the company.
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Hall A (3)

14:50 JST

Embedded Software Development Efficiency Improvement with Docker and Kubernetes - Tao Chen, Renesas
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
This presentation will explain the concept of Docker and demonstrate how it shortens the development iteration cycle. Additionally, a demonstration will showcase how Kubernetes can enhance CI/CD performance in the development process.
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Tao Chen

Staff Software Engineer, Renesas
Since joining Renesas in 2022, I have been dedicated to software platform development for Renesas RZ MPUs. I am constantly focused on enhancing development efficiency by introducing innovative ideas, leveraging open-source software, and taking actionable steps to implement these... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Hall A (3)

15:40 JST

eBPF-Powered Observability for Sustainable Computing - Paras Mamgain, Anmol Krishan Sachdeva, Samrat Priyadarshi & Miki Katsuragi, Google
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
With the advancements in the fields of Applied AI/ML, computational power, FinOps practices, and cloud services, organizations are increasingly building and deploying AI/ML workloads on Kubernetes. Cloud Computing gives the impression that the underlying resources (like Virtual Machines, CPU, RAM, Storage, etc.) are infinite, and hence many individuals don’t focus on the count of machines and resources when training their AI/ML models and proceed with training fairly large models with millions and billions of parameters. The energy-intensive nature of model training and iterations, coupled with the growing scale of AI/ML deployments, is contributing to a considerable environmental impact in the form of Carbon Emissions.

This talk introduces some key open-source cloud agnostic tools and techniques to build eBPF-powered observability solutions for practicing Sustainable Computing. By analyzing and tuning performance and energy metrics from Kubernetes resources like Pods and Nodes, AI/ML Practitioners and Platform Engineers can optimize workloads, reduce energy consumption, lower costs, and minimize environmental impact while maintaining performance.
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Miki Katsuragi

AI Consultant, Google Cloud
Miki is an AI Consultant at Google with a background in Data Analysis and Machine Learning. She has experience working at a database vendor, and currently develops cloud-based ML services and implements data analysis solutions. She is also a co-author of "Scalable Data Science" published... Read More →
avatar for Paras Mamgain

Paras Mamgain

Software Engineer, Google
I am a passionate programmer and a backend developer with a special taste for information retrieval and using new ideas to collaborate with team members to solve existing challenges and attempting to convert them to Intellectual property.Currently, as a Software Engineer my work is... Read More →
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Anmol Krishan Sachdeva

Hybrid Cloud Architect, Google
Anmol is an International Tech Speaker, a Distinguished Guest Lecturer, an active conference organizer, and has published several notable papers. He works at Google and focuses on Emerging Technologies. Anmol has years of rich experience in handling and configuring large-scale K8s... Read More →
avatar for Samrat Priyadarshi

Samrat Priyadarshi

Cloud Engineer, Google
Samrat is a Cloud Engineer at Google with 8 years of experience in Cloud Computing focussing mainly on Kubernetes and related landscapes. He has given several talks in Google Developers Group, Google DevFest.
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
Hall A (3)

16:40 JST

Secure and Efficient Data Sharing with Federated Cloud Storage - Masataka Mizukoshi, NTT
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
As the importance of data utilization for AI grows, enterprises aim to securely exchange data with their customers and leverage external data.Many services and open-source software related to data sharing and governance have attracted attention and extensive research and development, such as Snowflake Marketplace and Databricks Delta Sharing, among others. However, sharing data between different companies presents numerous challenges in terms of data security and efficiency, including efficient access to geographically dispersed data and access control for data managed by multiple organizations. To address these challenges, we have developed virtual data lake system that achieves efficient and secure data sharing using federated cloud storage. In this approach, virtual data integration is performed by collecting and managing only metadata without collecting the original data. In this session, we’ll take a look at how to build a safe and efficent data lake system by using existing OSS for data governance and data federation tools, such as LinkedIn DataHub and Alluxio ..etc.
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Masataka Mizukoshi

Reseacher, NTT
I am a researcher at NTT Labs, focusing on developing a data platform using a variety of open-source software. Previously, I conducted research in distributed computing related to Hadoop/Spark. I have spoken at international conferences such as IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
Hall A (3)

17:30 JST

Bug Hunting in Distributed Systems: Using Robustness Tests to Test Your Code Better - Chun-Hung Tseng, Swisscom & Arka Saha, Broadcom
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
Traditional testing methods like unit and integration tests are great for functional validation in isolation, but are they enough for distributed systems? Distributed systems need to deal with real-world failures such as network issues, hardware errors, and race conditions. One of the proven ways to test these systems is to inject failures during testing and see if the system still works as expected. This is called robustness testing, where you run the system like it would be used in real life. Jespen is one of the first frameworks to test distributed systems by simulating such real-world scenarios and validating the operational history. Inspired by Jespen, etcd, the backbone of Kubernetes, built its own testing framework. This framework is written in Golang and for Golang projects, allowing even more failure types on the fly and verifying if the data stays consistent using Porcupine. As etcd contributors, we will share our challenges in writing tests to force failure via gofail and our journey of developing, leveraging, and debugging issues caught by this ever-evolving framework, so that you can apply the findings to your projects with minimal tweaks.
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Arka Saha

Software Engineer, Broadcom
Arka Saha, a Broadcom Software Engineer, leads Kubernetes releases & maintenance for Tanzu Extended Support. He manages VMware by Broadcom's Prow infrastructure, ensuring long-term support for k8s, etcd, containers, Golang & related components. Previously he managed Red Hat OpenShift... Read More →
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Chun-Hung Tseng

DevOps Engineer, Swisscom
Henry is a CK* certified DevOps Engineer who works in a team building the cloud-native 5G core at Swisscom. He brings a rich background from his prior experience as a software engineer. His passion for automation and problem-solving leads him to contribute to open-source projects... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
Hall A (3)
Tuesday, October 29

11:10 JST

Exploring Best Practice for Implementing Authn and Authz in a Cloud-Native Environment - Yoshiyuki Tabata, Hitachi
Tuesday October 29, 2024 11:10 - 11:50 JST
Authn/authz are some of the most important considerations for cloud-native applications, which is clear from OWASP Top 10, and at the same time, these are big challenges for many implementers today. Fortunately, regarding "authn," there are standards such as OpenID Connect and there is a CNCF project, Keycloak, so the concerns are somewhat alleviated. On the other hand, regarding "authz," there was no clear standard, and there are several superior OSSs such as OPA, OpenFGA, and Topaz, so implementers are faced with a difficult choice.
Currently, OpenID Foundation AuthZEN WG works on authz standards, and it is difficult to predict the situation after the standards are established, which also makes the choice difficult.
In this session, Yoshiyuki Tabata introduces how to authorize requests using the OSSs including the AuthZEN perspective, and integrate them with Keycloak. It helps implementors explore a best practice for implementing authn/authz in a cloud-native environment.
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Yoshiyuki Tabata

Senior OSS Consultant, Hitachi
Yoshiyuki Tabata is a Senior OSS Consultant at Hitachi, Ltd, responsible for IAM and API-related solutions. As an authentication and authorization expert, he has provided numerous consultations, for example, designing and building API/SSO systems in various fields such as finance... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 11:10 - 11:50 JST
Hall A (3)

12:00 JST

A Case Study in API Cost of Running Analytics in the Cloud at Scale with an Open-Source Data Stack - Bin Fan & Hope Wang, Alluxio
Tuesday October 29, 2024 12:00 - 12:40 JST
The migration of data-intensive analytics applications to cloud-native environments promises enhanced scalability and flexibility but introduces complex cost models that pose new challenges to traditional optimization strategies. While on-premises setups focused on speed, cloud deployments require a more nuanced approach, factoring in cloud storage operations costs, which can escalate rapidly in real-world scenarios. In this presentation, Bin will analyze these challenges through a case study on Uber's large deployment analytics SQL platform on HDFS and GCS. They will show their findings of unexpected cost implications with standard I/O optimizations like table scans, filters, and broadcast joins when implemented in cloud environments. He will also highlight the need for a paradigm shift in optimizing data-intensive applications for the cloud and advocate for developing new I/O strategies, balancing performance and costs while tailored to cloud ecosystems' unique demands.
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Hope Wang

Developer Advocate, Alluxio
Hope Wang is a Presto Contributor and a Developer Advocate at Alluxio. She has a decade of experience in Data, AI, and Cloud. An open-source contributor to PrestoDB, Trino, and Alluxio, she currently works at Alluxio as a developer advocate and previously worked in venture capital... Read More →
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Bin Fan

VP of Technology, Alluxio
Bin Fan is the founding engineer and VP of Technology at Alluxio, Inc. Prior to Alluxio, he worked for Google to build the next-generation storage infrastructure. Bin received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University on the design and implementation of distributed... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 12:00 - 12:40 JST
Hall A (3)

14:00 JST

Careless Use of Memory-Backed Ephemeral Disks in Kubernetes Can Result in Node Crashes - Shu Muto, NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd.
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Modern applications increasingly require the output of large files such as videos and images, and the generation of more comprehensive logs. As a result, the use of RAM disks - ephemeral disks backed by memory, which are faster than traditional HDDs and SSDs - has become more common. In Kubernetes, RAM disks can be utilized through the abstraction of memory-backed emptyDir, which is based on tmpfs. However, if used carelessly, memory-backed emptyDir can pose significant risks to the stability of the Kubernetes cluster. When used as storage, the use case differs from typical memory usage by applications. Sharing files between different applications can obscure the responsibility for file garbage collection, increasing the risk of files not being deleted. If tmpfs usage excessively consumes node memory, the application containers using this tmpfs may be killed. In some cases, the deletion of tmpfs might not be timely, leading to memory exhaustion and potentially causing node crashes. This talk will share risk mitigation strategies for node crashes from the perspectives of cluster administrators, namespace administrators, and application developers.
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Shu Muto

Open Source Strategy Professional, NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd.
Shu Muto is a maintainer for the Kubernetes Dashboard since Autumn 2019 and a chair for SIG UI. Previously, he contributed to the OpenStack Dashboard and its plugins as a core developer from 2015. Shu also develops WebRTC applications. He organizes Kubernetes Upstream Training Japan... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Hall A (3)

14:50 JST

Computing Infrastructure for 2024 - Haruhisa Fukano, Fujitsu
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Edge computing is an important technology for a data-driven society that makes decisions in real time from data. LF Edge, a project of The Linux Foundation, is working to establish an open and interoperable edge computing framework that is independent of hardware, processor, cloud, and OS. LF Edge is also focused on enabling edge AI because of the growing need for real-time AI processing. However, there are challenges to achieving an infrastructure that is both energy efficient and flexible, such as increasing data volumes, increasing the computational complexity of AI models, and meeting application-specific requirements. So we need innovation in infrastructure technology. Therefore, The Linux Foundation and THE IOWN GF signed a basic agreement in June 2023 to integrate the Linux Foundation’s software on the infrastructure proposed by IOWN GF to develop a common infrastructure that improves performance, reduces latency, and improves energy efficiency. Based on this agreement, we planned the IOWN GF/LF Edge Joint PoC to demonstrate the convergence of the two technologies and the performance improvements. This presentation describes the content of the PoC.
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Haruhisa Fukano

Manager, Fujitsu
Haruhisa Fukano is an architect and business planner for edge computing at Fujitsu. He leads the PoC project to develop the edge computing market. He also contributes to the ecosystem and open community for the spread and evolution of edge computing. He currently serves on the Technical... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Hall A (3)

15:50 JST

Security for AI and Multi-Party Collaboration with Confidential Computing (Oh, and Web3!) - Mike Bursell, Confidential Computing Consortium
Tuesday October 29, 2024 15:50 - 16:30 JST
Confidential Computing has been around for a while, and is now widely available from most hyperscalers and CSPs, but over the past year, two use cases have raised its visibility enormously: Confidential AI and Secure Multi-party Collaboration. Both of these require the confidentiality and integrity that Confidential Computing provides, but the addition of another property - cryptographic attestation - allows trust in these workloads and their inputs and outputs - to be established in ways that increase their value significantly. Learn about the technology underpinning these developments, how organisations are creating new business models, and how the Confidential Computing Consortium is promoting open source in this area.
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Mike Bursell

Executive Director, Confidential Computing Consortium
Mike Bursell is the Executive Director of the Confidential Computing Consortium. He is one of the co-founders of the Enarx project. He has previously served on the Governing Boards of the CCC and the Bytecode Alliance and currently holds advisory board roles with various start-ups... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 15:50 - 16:30 JST
Hall A (3)

16:40 JST

Decoding Serverless and FaaS: Knative Vs. OpenFaaS Vs. Kubeless Vs. Pulumi - Nitin Rathee, Microsoft
Tuesday October 29, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
"Decoding Serverless and FaaS: Knative vs. OpenFaaS vs. Kubeless vs. Pulumi" delves into the complexity of serverless computing and highlight the strengths of today’s most compelling open-source tools. We’ll dive deep into Knative’s seamless Kubernetes-native integration that automates scaling and manages workloads effortlessly, OpenFaaS’s intuitive interface that empowers developers to deploy multi-language functions, Kubeless’s straightforward approach to deploying functions as Kubernetes objects, and Pulumi’s innovative infrastructure as code that merges serverless capabilities with familiar programming languages. We will also compare these tools in real-world scenarios, providing clear guidance on when and why to choose each one based on specific project needs and operational goals. Whether you’re looking to streamline microservices, handle event-driven workloads, or simply enhance your development efficiency, this talk will provide you with the insights and practical comparisons you need to choose the right tool for your serverless journey. Let’s navigate the future of serverless together and empower our next big project!
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Nitin Rathee

Software Engineer 2, Microsoft
Nitin Rathee is a Software Engineer II at Microsoft and he graduated with distinction from the esteemed National Institute of Technology, India. His professional trajectory is marked by transformative contributions to cutting-edge projects that redefine the boundaries of technology... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
Hall A (3)
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