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October 28-29, 2024 | Tokyo, Japan
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Tuesday, October 29

11:10 JST

Revolutionizing Cross-Platform AI in Containers: The Future with WebGPU - Aditya Soni, Forrester & Seema Saharan, Autodesk
Tuesday October 29, 2024 11:10 - 11:50 JST
This talk explores groundbreaking methods for enhancing cross-platform AI workloads within container ecosystems. The focus will be on integrating the WebGPU standard into containers, enabling them to utilize host GPUs and other AI accelerators through a flexible API. This approach eliminates the need for creating container images specific to individual GPU vendors and their proprietary drivers. Explore 1. How the WasmEdge project leverages the WebGPU standard to develop portable LLM inference applications in Rust. 2. How containers can efficiently manage and orchestrate these applications, simplifying AI deployment across diverse environments.
avatar for Seema Saharan

Seema Saharan

Site Reliability Engineer, CNCF Ambassador, Autodesk
Meet Seema, the tech whiz at Autodesk. She's not just about fixing things – she loves sharing what she knows! Whether speaking at cool events like GitLab Commit, and GitHub Universe or breaking down tech on her YouTube channel, Seema makes the complicated stuff easy and fun. Join... Read More →
avatar for Aditya Soni

Aditya Soni

DevOps Engineer ll, CNCF Ambassador, Forrester
Aditya Soni is a DevOps/SRE tech professional He worked with Product and Service based companies including Red Hat, Searce, and is currently positioned at Forrester Research as a DevOps Engineer II. He holds AWS, GCP, Azure, RedHat, and Kubernetes Certifications.He is a CNCF Ambassador... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 11:10 - 11:50 JST
Hall A (2)

12:00 JST

Running Containers on a Resource Constrained Embedded Device - Jeff Shaw, Digi International
Tuesday October 29, 2024 12:00 - 12:40 JST
Security is paramount in today's online world. To enhance security, most small routers have a read only operating system and read write storage for configurations and general storage. Adding functionality usually requires uploading new firmware to the device which can be costly in both data charges and time. Wouldn't it be great to be able to maintain the security of a read only filesystem, but still be able to install new features? Containers are isolated from the host system, maintaining security, but are able to be installed in the read write portion of storage, or even run completely in RAM. The problem with containers is the resource requirements just to run said container. In this talk, we will demonstrate how a minimal, but fully functional container subsystem can be run on a small, resource constrained embedded device. We will show how containers enable edge computing where the user can run their own software on the device without compromising security, or needing to integrate their application with the host operating system. Containers can turn even the meekest of devices into an edge computing powerhouse!
avatar for Jeff Shaw

Jeff Shaw

Senior Principle Engineer and SoftwareAarchitect, Digi International
Jeff first started running Linux after an unknown student posted a message in the minix newsgroup asking for people to have a look at his minix clone. He hasn't looked back since. He has spent his entire career using Linux, which has culminated in his current position as senior principle... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 12:00 - 12:40 JST
Hall A (2)

14:00 JST

Dynamic Scaling of GPUs for Container Apps with Composable Disaggregated Infrastructure for AI Era - Jin Hase & Lei Zhang, Fsas Technologies Inc.
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
As AI and ML become popular in container (K8s) environment, enormous computational resources are required more and more. On the other hand, efforts toward energy efficiency are also required for the realization of a sustainable society. It is expected to achieve the conflicting requirements that providing higher performance and reducing power consumption simultaneously. Recently, a new server architecture called Composable Disaggregated Infrastructure (CDI) is emerged. CDI can provide custom made servers by composing devices such as compute, memory, storage and GPU connected to PCIe or CXL switch fabric as a resource pool on demand. CDI can provide appropriate type and number of devices on demand depending on container workloads, therefore it would be a solution for this requirement. However, there is currently no standard way to control CDI from K8s. In this talk, we show how K8s and CDI could be a solution. We provide CDI operator and its Custom Resource Definition. Also, we introduce advanced vertical and horizontal cluster auto scaler for CDI. We demonstrate how K8s dynamically attach or detach devices to nodes combined with Dynamic Resource Allocation (DRA) function.
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Jin Hase

Manager, Fsas Technologies Inc.
Jin Hase has been tuning the performance of servers and operating systems, designing and building systems for K8s. In recent years he has led the OSS development teams for K8s and Linux. For a new architecture called Composable Disaggregate Infrastructure, he tries to establish how... Read More →
avatar for Lei Zhang

Lei Zhang

Engineer, Fsas Technologies Inc.
Lei Zhang is an engineer at Fsas Technologies Inc. Core Product Business Unit., where he is involved with system software development for high performance computing. He has been participated in the development of the Fugaku supercomputer, Japan’s latest flagship supercomputer. For... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Hall A (2)

14:50 JST

Building Better CI/CD Pipelines with Buildpacks - Unnati Mishra, VMware by Broadcom & Akshat Khanna, Astuto.ai
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Imagine a world where the hassles of configuring dependencies disappear, replaced by a streamlined and automated process. Buildpacks enable developers to focus on writing code instead of dealing with complex configurations. This session will unveil the secrets of Buildpacks, highlighting their capacity to seamlessly manage various languages, frameworks, and runtime environments. Discover how Buildpacks revolutionize your development pipeline, fostering consistency and efficiency. A sneak peek to our session: *Core principles & benefits of Buildpacks *Application packaging/deployment *Using Buildpacks to enhance collab across development teams Whether you're a seasoned CI/CD practitioner or a DevOps enthusiast, this session equips you with the knowledge to transform software development with Buildpacks. Join us to explore the exciting future and the impact of Buildpacks on the CI/CD landscape.
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Unnati Mishra

R&D Engineer Software 2, VMware by Broadcom
Unnati is working as a R&D Engineer Software 2 at VMware by Broadcom, India. Currently working with the Release Engg team of the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid. She has been active in Open Source community since 2019 and has also participated in many Hackathons, bagging prizes in few of them... Read More →
avatar for Akshat Khanna

Akshat Khanna

Software Development Engineer 2, Angel One
Akshat Khanna is currently working as SDE 2, building Angel One Stock Trading Platform and previously worked as MTS 2 at VMware Tanzu. He has been working on Kubernetes solution for the edge and also actively contributing to open-source. He has good experience of developing products... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Hall A (2)

15:50 JST

Build a Container Image from Scratch - Danish Prakash, SUSE
Tuesday October 29, 2024 15:50 - 16:30 JST
Container images are ubiquitous nowadays, you've probably used them in one way or another or might have even built one of them. But how are they constructed? What's inside of one? This talk goes through the process of manually creating a Container image without using tools such as docker. Along the way, we'll cover essential components such as layers, metadata, and configuration options that make up an image, and use them to assemble our final Container image. We'll also load it into Docker and run it! By guiding you through the step-by-step assembly of a Docker image, this talk aims to demystify Docker images and strengthen your understanding of their inner workings.
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Danish Prakash

Container Engine Engineer, SUSE
Danish Prakash is a Container Engine Engineer at SUSE. He is a contributor to upstream projects such as Podman, Buildah, nerdctl, etc, and is the downstream maintainer of these packages for SUSE Linux products.
Tuesday October 29, 2024 15:50 - 16:30 JST
Hall A (2)

16:40 JST

Kubernetes WG-LTS: Why We Need LTS? - Yuiko Mori, NEC Corporation
Tuesday October 29, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
Today, many companies are using Kubernetes in production environments, but there are various challenges in commercial use. One of the challenges is managing the Kubernetes cluster. Many companies are facing challenges related to Kubernetes version upgrades. According to a 2022 survey, most host systems run Kubernetes versions that are 18 months or more out of support. In this situation, the Kubernetes community launched the WG-LTS (Long Term Support Working Group) to promote Kubernetes LTS (Long Term Support). In this session, I will introduce the background, purpose, and activities of the WG-LTS. I will also explain why as a System Integrator, NEC needs Kubernetes LTS. On the other hand, (This is not just in case of Kubernetes, but) there is gap between community developers and users in open source community. I will discuss such gap also. I will also discuss the barriers(human resources, cost, etc…) to advancing LTS in Kubernetes community.
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Yuiko Mori

Manager, NEC
Yuiko Mori is a software engineer at NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd. on a wide range of software projects, and developing open source software. She's been an active technical contributor to Kubernetes, and also previously she had worked for OpenStack.
Tuesday October 29, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
Hall A (2)
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