October 28-29, 2024 | Tokyo, Japan
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Tuesday, October 29

11:10 JST

Monsters in the Deps: How to Protect Your AI/ML Systems from Supply Chain Attacks - Erin Glass & Patrick Smyth, Chainguard
Tuesday October 29, 2024 11:10 - 11:50 JST
Love developing AI/ML systems, but don’t want to become the next front-page cyberattack? We got you! In this fast-paced, meme-a-liscious, hands-on workshop, we’ll take a deep dive into the murky waters of the AI/ML supply chain, explore its many threats and terrors, and then – with our trusty box of supply chain security tools – build an island of safety for our AI/ML systems! Participants will come away with the skills and knowledge to significantly improve AI/ML supply chain security at their organization, as well as the unpleasant awareness about what might happen if the industry doesn’t do the same. Sorry! Hands-on activities will include vulnerability scanning, creating/consuming SBOMs/AIBOMs, digital signing using Sigstore tools, and provenance tracking. We will also provide a conceptual background on AI/ML supply chain components, attack categories, and global regulation and standards related to AI/ML security. Led by software supply chain and AI deployment experts at Chainguard, this workshop will enable participants to harden their AI/ML systems and evangelize others to do the same.
avatar for Erin Glass

Erin Glass

Senior Product Manager, Chainguard
Dr. Erin Glass is a product manager at Chainguard, where she focuses on supply chain security education and meme R&D. She has published widely in developer education and other digital topics, including the courses Securing the AI/ML Supply Chain and Painless Vulnerability Management... Read More →
avatar for Patrick Smyth

Patrick Smyth

Staff Developer Relations Engineer, Chainguard
Dr. Patrick Smyth is Staff Developer Relations Engineer at Chainguard, where he shows developers how to deploy AI and other applications with 0 CVEs using Chainguard Images. Patrick has a PhD in the digital humanities and in a previous life led technical bootcamps for researchers... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 11:10 - 11:50 JST
Hall B (4)

12:00 JST

Exploring Pillars of Trustworthy AI: Robustness and Fairness - Niharika Shrivastava, Workforce Optimizer
Tuesday October 29, 2024 12:00 - 12:40 JST
Due to the ever-increasing adoption of AI into the lives of daily users, trustworthy AI is of utmost priority. Even though advocates of AI globally have started talking about ethical considerations during ML model building, in reality, very few people know how to create robust, privacy-preserving, and fair AI models. In this talk, I'll explore 2 concrete technical concepts of trustworthy AI, namely ensuring robustness and fairness in ML models. Robustness: 1. Attendees will go through an in-depth understanding of critical vulnerabilities of common AI models and how to exploit them to adversarially attack the model (e.g., inference attacks, data poisoning). 2. This will be followed by simple defence strategies to increase robustness (e.g., gradient obfuscation, transformations). 3. This will be further followed by adaptive attacks on previous defence strategies thereby motivating the concept of certified robustness of AI models. Fairness: 1. Attendees will get to know how they can unconsciously encode bias (representational bias, model bias, etc) during training AI models. 2. This is followed by strategies to correct this bias using domain knowledge to create fair AI models.
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Niharika Shrivastava

Data Scientist, Workforce Optimizer
Niharika's current interests lie in NLP and Applied Data Science. She holds a Master's in AI from the National University of Singapore. She was also an Outreachy fellow for The Fedora Project and has been the recipient of multiple awards such as the Red Hat Women in Open Source Award... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 12:00 - 12:40 JST
Hall B (4)

14:00 JST

Building a Thriving Open-Source AI Community with LF AI & Data Foundation - Vini Jaiswal, TikTok
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Ever feel like contributing to groundbreaking AI projects but unsure where to start? Have a cool project that you are looking to find a neutral entity for? Through the session learn how the LF AI & Data foundation empowers open-source projects. Discover the framework to support for open development, governance models, and resources like legal assistance, marketing, and events. Gain exclusive updates from the LF AI and Data Technical Advisory Council (TAC). Learn about their vision, technical roadmap, success stories and how you can contribute. The session will cover practical tips and tricks to dive into project contributions, navigate the initiation process, and ultimately guide you towards project graduation. Also discover the diverse work streams within LF AI and Data foundation and how you can leverage your skills to make a real difference in the open-source AI community.
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Vini Jaiswal

Chair of Technical Advisory Council, Linux Foundation AI & Data
Vini Jaiswal is a renowned expert in AI and Data, acclaimed for her significant contributions to Apache Spark, MLflow, PrivacyGo and, notably, Delta Lake. Holding pivotal roles such as Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) at Linux Foundation Data and AI, Governing Board... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Hall B (4)

14:50 JST

Bringing AI on-Device: From Cloud to Edge - Catalin Vasile, Adobe
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Step into the future of AI as we break free from the constraints of cloud-based processing and unlock the immense potential of edge computing. This cutting-edge talk explores the revolutionary shift of AI from centralized data centers to the devices in your pocket, on your wrist, and all around you. Discover how this paradigm shift is not just changing the game – it's rewriting the rules. We'll journey through the landscape of on-device AI, revealing how it's transforming user experiences, supercharging privacy, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in real-time applications. From smart homes to autonomous vehicles, from augmented reality to personalized healthcare – learn how on-device AI is the key to unlocking a world of intelligent, responsive, and secure applications.
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Catalin Vasile

Senior Computer Scientist, Adobe
Catalin is a Senior Computer Scientist at Adobe, surfing the clouds in the world of distributed systems and managing resilient high-scale solutions as part of the Cloud Platform team.
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Hall B (4)

15:50 JST

Data Contracts Are Good for AI - Jean-Georges Perrin, Bitol / AbeaData
Tuesday October 29, 2024 15:50 - 16:30 JST
Bitol is one of the newest LF AI & Data projects focusing on open standards and open source tools for modern data engineering. Bitol's flagship standard is ODCS (Open Data Contract Standard). In this talk, as the chair of the Bitol TSC, I will first explain what a data contract is, the work of the Bitol project, and focus on the benefits of data contracts for AI & analytics. I will conclude with an end-to-end demo of creating and enforcing data contracts using open-source and free tools.
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Jean-Georges Perrin

Chair of the TSC / Chied Innovation Officer, Bitol / AbeaData
Jean-Georges “jgp” Perrin is CIO at AbeaData, focusing on building innovative and modern data tooling. He is also chair of the Bitol project at the Linux Foundation, a Lifetime IBM Champion, and author of multiple books, including Implementing Data Mesh (O’Reilly) and Spark... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 15:50 - 16:30 JST
Hall B (4)

16:40 JST

From Complexity to Clarity: Addressing Challenges in AI BOMs for Compliance - Gopi Krishnan Rajbahadur, Huawei Technologies Canada & Kate Stewart, The Linux Foundation
Tuesday October 29, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
As global regulations on AI software tighten, developers face a complex set of new, ambiguous rules. The AI Software Bill of Materials (AI BOM), especially the new SPDX 3.0 with AI and dataset profiles, offers a promising solution for compliance, providing detailed, machine-readable documentation of AI systems. Despite its benefits, adoption has been slow, hindered by gaps in developer knowledge and the complex nature of AI systems. Many AI BOMs are incomplete or inaccurate, limiting their utility for compliance. Our talk will tackle these issues, drawing on our experience with SPDX 3.0 and AI BOM implementation. We'll share best practices and strategies to improve AI BOM accuracy and utility, equipping professionals with the insights to ensure their AI applications are compliant and prepared for future regulations.
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Gopi Krishnan Rajbahadur

Senior Staff Researcher, Huawei Technologies Canada
Gopi Krishnan Rajbahadur is a Senior Staff Researcher at Huawei's Centre for Software Excellence in Canada. He is currently working on SE for Large Language Models and the governance of AI datasets. He is the co-lead for the AI and datasets profile in the ISO/IEC 5692 SPDX standard... Read More →
avatar for Kate Stewart

Kate Stewart

VP Dependable Embedded Systems, Linux Foundation
Kate Stewart works with the safety, security and license compliance communities to advance the adoption of best practices into embedded open source projects. Since joining The Linux Foundation, she has launched the ELISA and Zephyr Projects, as well as supporting other embedded projects... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
Hall B (4)
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