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October 28-29, 2024 | Tokyo, Japan
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Tuesday, October 29

11:10 JST

Exploring Best Practice for Implementing Authn and Authz in a Cloud-Native Environment - Yoshiyuki Tabata, Hitachi
Tuesday October 29, 2024 11:10 - 11:50 JST
Authn/authz are some of the most important considerations for cloud-native applications, which is clear from OWASP Top 10, and at the same time, these are big challenges for many implementers today. Fortunately, regarding "authn," there are standards such as OpenID Connect and there is a CNCF project, Keycloak, so the concerns are somewhat alleviated. On the other hand, regarding "authz," there was no clear standard, and there are several superior OSSs such as OPA, OpenFGA, and Topaz, so implementers are faced with a difficult choice.
Currently, OpenID Foundation AuthZEN WG works on authz standards, and it is difficult to predict the situation after the standards are established, which also makes the choice difficult.
In this session, Yoshiyuki Tabata introduces how to authorize requests using the OSSs including the AuthZEN perspective, and integrate them with Keycloak. It helps implementors explore a best practice for implementing authn/authz in a cloud-native environment.
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Yoshiyuki Tabata

Senior OSS Consultant, Hitachi
Yoshiyuki Tabata is a Senior OSS Consultant at Hitachi, Ltd, responsible for IAM and API-related solutions. As an authentication and authorization expert, he has provided numerous consultations, for example, designing and building API/SSO systems in various fields such as finance... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 11:10 - 11:50 JST
Hall A (3)

12:00 JST

A Case Study in API Cost of Running Analytics in the Cloud at Scale with an Open-Source Data Stack - Bin Fan & Hope Wang, Alluxio
Tuesday October 29, 2024 12:00 - 12:40 JST
The migration of data-intensive analytics applications to cloud-native environments promises enhanced scalability and flexibility but introduces complex cost models that pose new challenges to traditional optimization strategies. While on-premises setups focused on speed, cloud deployments require a more nuanced approach, factoring in cloud storage operations costs, which can escalate rapidly in real-world scenarios. In this presentation, Bin will analyze these challenges through a case study on Uber's large deployment analytics SQL platform on HDFS and GCS. They will show their findings of unexpected cost implications with standard I/O optimizations like table scans, filters, and broadcast joins when implemented in cloud environments. He will also highlight the need for a paradigm shift in optimizing data-intensive applications for the cloud and advocate for developing new I/O strategies, balancing performance and costs while tailored to cloud ecosystems' unique demands.
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Hope Wang

Developer Advocate, Alluxio
Hope Wang is a Presto Contributor and a Developer Advocate at Alluxio. She has a decade of experience in Data, AI, and Cloud. An open-source contributor to PrestoDB, Trino, and Alluxio, she currently works at Alluxio as a developer advocate and previously worked in venture capital... Read More →
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Bin Fan

VP of Technology, Alluxio
Bin Fan is the founding engineer and VP of Technology at Alluxio, Inc. Prior to Alluxio, he worked for Google to build the next-generation storage infrastructure. Bin received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University on the design and implementation of distributed... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 12:00 - 12:40 JST
Hall A (3)

14:00 JST

Careless Use of Memory-Backed Ephemeral Disks in Kubernetes Can Result in Node Crashes - Shu Muto, NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd.
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Modern applications increasingly require the output of large files such as videos and images, and the generation of more comprehensive logs. As a result, the use of RAM disks - ephemeral disks backed by memory, which are faster than traditional HDDs and SSDs - has become more common. In Kubernetes, RAM disks can be utilized through the abstraction of memory-backed emptyDir, which is based on tmpfs. However, if used carelessly, memory-backed emptyDir can pose significant risks to the stability of the Kubernetes cluster. When used as storage, the use case differs from typical memory usage by applications. Sharing files between different applications can obscure the responsibility for file garbage collection, increasing the risk of files not being deleted. If tmpfs usage excessively consumes node memory, the application containers using this tmpfs may be killed. In some cases, the deletion of tmpfs might not be timely, leading to memory exhaustion and potentially causing node crashes. This talk will share risk mitigation strategies for node crashes from the perspectives of cluster administrators, namespace administrators, and application developers.
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Shu Muto

Open Source Strategy Professional, NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd.
Shu Muto is a maintainer for the Kubernetes Dashboard since Autumn 2019 and a chair for SIG UI. Previously, he contributed to the OpenStack Dashboard and its plugins as a core developer from 2015. Shu also develops WebRTC applications. He organizes Kubernetes Upstream Training Japan... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Hall A (3)

14:50 JST

Computing Infrastructure for 2024 - Haruhisa Fukano, Fujitsu
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Edge computing is an important technology for a data-driven society that makes decisions in real time from data. LF Edge, a project of The Linux Foundation, is working to establish an open and interoperable edge computing framework that is independent of hardware, processor, cloud, and OS. LF Edge is also focused on enabling edge AI because of the growing need for real-time AI processing. However, there are challenges to achieving an infrastructure that is both energy efficient and flexible, such as increasing data volumes, increasing the computational complexity of AI models, and meeting application-specific requirements. So we need innovation in infrastructure technology. Therefore, The Linux Foundation and THE IOWN GF signed a basic agreement in June 2023 to integrate the Linux Foundation’s software on the infrastructure proposed by IOWN GF to develop a common infrastructure that improves performance, reduces latency, and improves energy efficiency. Based on this agreement, we planned the IOWN GF/LF Edge Joint PoC to demonstrate the convergence of the two technologies and the performance improvements. This presentation describes the content of the PoC.
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Haruhisa Fukano

Manager, Fujitsu
Haruhisa Fukano is an architect and business planner for edge computing at Fujitsu. He leads the PoC project to develop the edge computing market. He also contributes to the ecosystem and open community for the spread and evolution of edge computing. He currently serves on the Technical... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Hall A (3)

15:50 JST

Security for AI and Multi-Party Collaboration with Confidential Computing (Oh, and Web3!) - Mike Bursell, Confidential Computing Consortium
Tuesday October 29, 2024 15:50 - 16:30 JST
Confidential Computing has been around for a while, and is now widely available from most hyperscalers and CSPs, but over the past year, two use cases have raised its visibility enormously: Confidential AI and Secure Multi-party Collaboration. Both of these require the confidentiality and integrity that Confidential Computing provides, but the addition of another property - cryptographic attestation - allows trust in these workloads and their inputs and outputs - to be established in ways that increase their value significantly. Learn about the technology underpinning these developments, how organisations are creating new business models, and how the Confidential Computing Consortium is promoting open source in this area.
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Mike Bursell

Executive Director, Confidential Computing Consortium
Mike Bursell is the Executive Director of the Confidential Computing Consortium. He is one of the co-founders of the Enarx project. He has previously served on the Governing Boards of the CCC and the Bytecode Alliance and currently holds advisory board roles with various start-ups... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 15:50 - 16:30 JST
Hall A (3)

16:40 JST

Decoding Serverless and FaaS: Knative Vs. OpenFaaS Vs. Kubeless Vs. Pulumi - Nitin Rathee, Microsoft
Tuesday October 29, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
"Decoding Serverless and FaaS: Knative vs. OpenFaaS vs. Kubeless vs. Pulumi" delves into the complexity of serverless computing and highlight the strengths of today’s most compelling open-source tools. We’ll dive deep into Knative’s seamless Kubernetes-native integration that automates scaling and manages workloads effortlessly, OpenFaaS’s intuitive interface that empowers developers to deploy multi-language functions, Kubeless’s straightforward approach to deploying functions as Kubernetes objects, and Pulumi’s innovative infrastructure as code that merges serverless capabilities with familiar programming languages. We will also compare these tools in real-world scenarios, providing clear guidance on when and why to choose each one based on specific project needs and operational goals. Whether you’re looking to streamline microservices, handle event-driven workloads, or simply enhance your development efficiency, this talk will provide you with the insights and practical comparisons you need to choose the right tool for your serverless journey. Let’s navigate the future of serverless together and empower our next big project!
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Nitin Rathee

Software Engineer 2, Microsoft
Nitin Rathee is a Software Engineer II at Microsoft and he graduated with distinction from the esteemed National Institute of Technology, India. His professional trajectory is marked by transformative contributions to cutting-edge projects that redefine the boundaries of technology... Read More →
Tuesday October 29, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
Hall A (3)
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