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October 28-29, 2024 | Tokyo, Japan
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Monday, October 28

09:00 JST

Keynote Sessions to be Announced
Monday October 28, 2024 09:00 - 10:45 JST
Monday October 28, 2024 09:00 - 10:45 JST
Main Hall

11:15 JST

Safe Systems with Linux - Philipp Ahmann, Etas GmbH (BOSCH) & Kate Stewart, The Linux Foundation
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
As Linux is increasingly deployed in systems with varying criticality constraints, distro providers are expected to ensure that security fixes in their offerings do not introduce regressions for customer products that have safety considerations. The key question arises: How can they establish consistent linkage between code, tests, and the requirements that the code satisfies? And which open source tools and specifically for Linux exist to support traceability in order to comply with standards such as ASPICE, ISO26262 or ISO21434? This talk addresses critical challenges in requirements tracking, documentation, testing, and artifact sharing within the Linux kernel ecosystem. Functionality has historically been added to the kernel with requirements explained in the email justifications for adding, but not formalized as “requirements” in the kernel documentation. While tests are contributed for the code, the underlying requirement that the tests satisfies is likewise not documented in a consistent manner. This and further topics will be discussed. Additionally, the results from the "Safe Systems with Linux" micro conference at Linux plumbers will be summarized.
avatar for Philipp Ahmann

Philipp Ahmann

Sr. OSS Community Manager, Etas GmbH (BOSCH)
Philipp Ahmann is a senior OSS community manager at Etas GmbH (BOSCH) specializing in safety and automotive grade open source software. He holds the position of technical steering committee chair for the Linux Foundation (LF) ELISA project to Enable Linux in Safety Applications and... Read More →
avatar for Kate Stewart

Kate Stewart

VP Dependable Embedded Systems, Linux Foundation
Kate Stewart works with the safety, security and license compliance communities to advance the adoption of best practices into embedded open source projects. Since joining The Linux Foundation, she has launched the ELISA and Zephyr Projects, as well as supporting other embedded projects... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Main Hall

12:05 JST

Secure Code, Safe Future: Mastering Security in Critical Software Development - Liran Tal, Snyk
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
You do your best to build a quality product and ensure testability and maintainable code. However, code security issues require a different domain of expertise, and your last vulnerable line of code is your first security regret. Maybe you heard about OWASP Top 10, and just maybe you can spot an SQL injection but how do you scale and prioritize code security across your tech stack and your development team? How do you ship secure operational technology (OT) software for critical infrastructure? This task becomes even more difficult to balance with false positive alerts, struggles to find vulnerable C++ libraries statically compiled in your runtime, and bridging the growing security knowledge gap that results in developers writing insecure code. Tune in to learn about secure coding practices and techniques to produce high-quality secure software. Your takeaways from this session will be learning from practical real-world vulnerable code, secure dependency upgrade policies, leveraging SBOMs for vulnerability and package signals, and hands-on hacking demos. This session offers actionable strategies and real-world applications to help you safeguard your critical software projects.
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Liran Tal

Director of Developer Advocacy, Snyk
Liran Tal is a software developer, and a GitHub Star, world-recognized for his activism in open source communities and advancing web and Node.js security. He engages in security research through his work in the OpenJS Foundation and the Node.js ecosystem security WG, and further promotes... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
Main Hall

14:00 JST

Enhancing Cyber Resilience and Sustainability in Critical Infrastructure with CIP and IEC-62443-4 - Yoshitake Kobayashi, Civil Infrastructure Platform & Dinesh Kumar, Toshiba Software India
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Linux is the foundational infrastructure for mission-critical systems across sectors like energy, transportation, and healthcare. These systems must operate reliably for decades while adapting to evolving Smart City and IoT landscapes. Interconnectivity brings challenges in managing vulnerabilities and upgrades, requiring adherence to standards and maintaining system integrity.

The Civil Infrastructure Platform (CIP) project addresses these challenges by providing an Industrial Grade Linux platform for robust, secure, and sustainable operations. Over 7 years, CIP has demonstrated a commitment to meeting current needs and addressing future threats.

This presentation will explore CIP's pivotal role in strengthening cyber resilience and enhancing system reliability. It will also delve into the CIP Security Working Group's efforts to align the platform with the IEC 62443 standard for industrial control system security.

The key topics covered will include ensuring IEC-62443-4-x compliance, bridging gaps for updates and long-term support, traceability between code, tests, and requirements for standards compliance. The presentation will also discuss CIP's role in building sustainable and cyber-resilient critical infrastructure, integrating security throughout the CIP ecosystem using the IEC 62443 framework, and the benefits of this alignment for improved risk management and threat mitigation.

Attendees will gain insights on how CIP can help build future-ready, cyber-resilient systems
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Yoshitake Kobayashi

TSC Chair, Civil Infrastructure Platform (Toshiba)
Yoshitake Kobayashi is the Technical Steering Committee Chair for the Civil Infrastructure Platform Project, hosted by The Linux Foundation. He is actively working to leverage open-source software for a secure and sustainable society. Additionally, he leads a software R&D department... Read More →
avatar for Dinesh Kumar

Dinesh Kumar

Engineering Manager, Toshiba Software India pvt Ltd
Experienced, in developing Embedded linux software , Secure boot, Debian packages, board support packages, development of Android Application & Framework. My research interest includes embedded linux, Linux kernel security, cybersecurity and Cloud technologies. Currently working for... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Main Hall

14:50 JST

Best Practices for Reducing Patent Risk to OSS Projects - Keith Bergelt, Open Invention Network
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
At Open Source Summit Japan, within the Operation Management Summit, Keith Bergelt, CEO of Open Invention network, will address ways to mitigate risk to open source projects, developers and distributors. Few developers or businesses will show interest in contributing to an open source project if it doesn't address potential bugs, security issues, or feature additions to its repository. This is well understood by the OSS community and spurred its growth into new technological areas such as AI/ML, FinTech and Automotive, among many others. However, many of today’s most popular open source licenses do not adequately address patent risk for open source projects. As patent risk is a challenge that must be addressed, this presentation will discuss the key tenets around patent non-aggression in open source, key patent-related risks, and the best practices that open source projects and their management should consider moving forward to “address the issue.” . Key Takeaways: - An understanding of the patent threat matrix to open source projects - Ways patent litigation risks are rising & ways to reduce these risks - Best practice solutions for management to mitigate these challenges
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Keith Bergelt

CEO, Open Invention Network
Keith Bergelt is the CEO of Open Invention Network (OIN), the only institution focused on mitigating patent risk in open source software. Funded by Google, IBM, NEC, Philips, Sony, SUSE, and Toyota, OIN has nearly 4,000 community members. In his capacity as CEO, he is directly responsible... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Main Hall

15:40 JST

OS Sustainability in Japan: Open Collaboration Model to Spin up the OSS 3P Cycle - Yuichi Nakamura & Ayumi Watanabe, Hitachi; Shingo Fujimoto, Fujitsu; Masato Endo, Toyota; Munehiro Ikeda, Cybertrust Japan; Moderated by Nori Fukuyasu, The Linux Foundation
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
To sustain the OS industry, we must assess the efficiency of the open source 3P cycle (Projects, Products, and Profits). Companies build products using open source software and generate revenue. This should incentivize them to reinvest in open source communities, thereby creating better products and increasing profits. However, the 3P cycle is not functioning smoothly. While companies utilize open source technologies, they often do so without collaborating with the community. This lack of interaction reduces their interest in reinvesting in the open source ecosystem. This issue significantly impacts the Japanese industry. Companies miss opportunities to leverage cutting-edge technologies and remain less inclined to invest in talent development within and outside their organizations. The resulting talent shortage poses a serious sustainability challenge for the industry. In this session, LF Japan evangelists will discuss this topic from their respective areas of expertise, including cloud, blockchain, security, compliance, and OSPO. Attendees will learn about the latest trends in open source and business and engage in discussions on how to enhance the 3P cycle in Japan.
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Yuichi Nakamura

Chief OSS Strategist, Hitachi
Yuichi Nakamura,Ph.D has been engaged with OSS over 20 years, contributed SELinux, gave presentations in many OSS events such as Linux Security Summit, Embedded Linux Conference and KubeCon. He also launched ecosystem of business and OSS contribution model based on Keycloak in Hitachi,Ltd... Read More →
avatar for Ayumi Watanabe

Ayumi Watanabe

SBOM Evangelist, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.
Ayumi Watanabe is a Senior OSS Specialist of Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.. She is also a core member of OpenChain Japan and known as a SBOM evangelist appointed by the Linux Foundation Japan. Her strong point is a knowledge of many tools for SBOM generation and management, a wide range... Read More →
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Shingo Fujimoto

Senior Research Director, Fujitsu
Shingo Fujimoto leads the development of various blockchain technologies in Fujitsu, based on his broad knowledge in the field of internet security and protocol design. He is also involved in several blockchain PoC projects with innovative customers. Shingo is a maintainer of Hyperledger... Read More →
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Masato Endo

Manager of OSPO, Toyota Motor Corporation
Masato Endo is a Group Manager of TOYOTA. He focuses also on building the Open Source governance structure within Toyota and developing relationships with the Open Source community, through projects such as AGL and OIN. From 2017, he began to work with the OpenChain Project as a board... Read More →
avatar for Munehiro Ikeda

Munehiro Ikeda

Lead Architect, Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd.
Ikeda Munehiro is a key engineer in the IoT Technology Division at Cybertrust Japan, working on leading-edge technologies and contributing to the Open Source Security Foundations(OpenSSF) activities on OSS security and supply chain.
avatar for Nori Fukuyasu

Nori Fukuyasu

VP of Japan Operations, The Linux Foundation
VP of Japan Operations at Linux Foundation.
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
Main Hall

16:40 JST

A Practical Guide to Using International Standards for Open Source Procurement - Shane Coughlan, OpenChain Project
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
International standards addressing specific challenges around open source provide organizations significant opportunities for increasing efficiency and reducing risk. This talk will explain practical ways for procurement departments to use these standards to benefit product teams, IP departments, legal departments or OSPOs supporting corporate policy. The focus will be on ISO/IEC 5230 (license compliance), ISO/IEC 18974 (security assurance) and ISO/IEC 5962 (SBOM), all mature standards maintained by Linux Foundation Projects. The audience of this talk will be equipped to immediately improve their supply chain management as either customers or suppliers in any industry sector.
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Shane Coughlan

General Manager, OpenChain Project
Shane Coughlan is an expert in communication, security and business development. His professional accomplishments include spearheading the licensing team that elevated OIN into the largest patent non-aggression community in history and establishing the first global network for open... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
Main Hall

17:30 JST

SBOM Implementation Reality: From Crawl to Walk - SPDX Lite Profile for the First Step - Norio Kobota, Sony Group Corporation & Takashi Ninjouji, Toshiba Corporation
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
This session will introduce the SPDX Lite profile, its background, and what and how it solves with many JSON examples. The Lite profile of SPDX 3.0 is designed to make it quick and easy to start creating a Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) when a company has limited capacity for introducing new items into its process. Over the past few years, the importance of SBOM has increased. As interest in SBOM from government agencies and industries grows, the SBOM specification extends significantly to meet these various needs. SPDX Lite is a lightweight and compact SBOM specification. The OpenChain Project Japan WG explores and promotes SBOM. The focus is on making the SBOM practical from security assurance and license compliance perspectives and on sharing and transferring SBOM across the global software supply chain in any industry. SPDX Lite is one of the achievements of collaboration between the OpenChain project and the SPDX project. Attendees in this session will learn the first steps to creating an SBOM using the Lite profile of SPDX 3.0 by several examples of SBOM documents that address regulations and requirements.
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Norio Kobota

Senior Open Source Strategist, Sony Group Corporation
Norio Kobota is a Senior Open Source Strategist in Sony Group Corporation. He is the chair of Open Source Software License Committee in Sony and works to improve OSS compliance and relationships with OSS communities. He represents Sony as a board member of OpenChain Project. And he... Read More →
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Takashi Ninjouji

Chief Specialist, Toshiba Corporation
Takashi Ninjouji, Chief Specialist at Toshiba Corporation, works on open source, open standards, and compliance and was the first head of OSPO. He is strongly attracted to open source to collaborate with diverse communities. He is a member of the OpenChain Project's governing board... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
Main Hall
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