October 28-29, 2024 | Tokyo, Japan
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Monday, October 28

11:15 JST

From Policy Enthusiast to Legislators' Contact Point - Ciarán O'Riordan, OpenForum Europe
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Governments around the world are working on legislation to regulate cybersecurity, AI, and product liability for software. The success of free and open source projects and companies has been driven by our technology. Our teams working on legislation and public policy are much smaller, but we also have results that we can be very proud of. This presentation looks at the importance of policy work and what we do that leads to success in this domain. We will look at the international relevance of some current regulations being produced in Europe - notably the EU's Cyber Resilience Act, the AI Act, and the Product Liability Directive. From these, we will look at how these areas could be best regulated in other parts of the world. We will examine the technical information that policy makers need, so that they can make informed decisions. And we will also look at the meta goal of improving our policy work in the long term. We will do this by looking at the methods and organisation that allowed our ecosystem to be effective while working with the legislators to improve these texts.
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Ciarán O'Riordan

Sr. Policy Advisor, OpenForum Europe
Senior Policy Advisor at OFE, Ciarán O’Riordan has been working in Brussels since 2004 with a focus on EU policy and free and open source software. He recently worked on the EU's Cyber Resilience Act as well as coordinating the efforts of many free and open source organisations... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Hall A (1)

12:05 JST

Unlocking Agility with Open Source: A Guide for Modern Businesses - Younes Hairej, Aokumo Inc.
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
For modern businesses navigating today's dynamic tech environment, open source is more than just a platform – it's a game-changer. This session dives deep into the transformative power of open-source software as a key driver of business agility and innovation. Real-world stories from the world of FinTech will showcase how open source empowers Japanese organizations to adapt swiftly to evolving markets and technological advancements. We'll address a common pain point: security concerns during open-source adoption and explore effective strategies to mitigate them. Beyond the technology itself, this session explores the cultural shift required to thrive in an open-source ecosystem. We'll highlight the unique collaborative spirit and community aspects within the Japanese business landscape, empowering you to leverage open source effectively.
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Younes Hairej

Founder & CEO, Aokumo Inc.
Younes is a senior technologist and business leader with over 10 years of experience in cloud and open source technologies. He is the founder and CEO of Aokumo Inc., a cloud infrastructure company. He is a trusted technology advisor and has won awards for his work, including the FX-Markets... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
Hall A (1)

14:00 JST

Building Resiliency: Navigating Mental Well-Being in Open-Source and Software Careers - Sandeep Kanabar, Gen & Shivangi Motwani, Warner Bros. & Discovery
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
The software industry, a bastion of innovation, often overlooks the mental well-being of its builders. This session delves into challenges at all career levels including open source, from layoffs to project pressures, underscoring the need to recognize and respond to mental health fluctuations for inclusive, resilient teams. Compelling narratives include: - Leadership: A startup CEO battling burnout and imposter syndrome. - Career transitions: A young developer overcoming job loss stigma. - Personal resilience: An SRE managing personal loss during critical projects. - Open Source enthusiast: A open-source enthusiast juggling his passion in open source with his official work. Weaving in our journeys with depression during the pandemic, we'll explore strategies for: - Overcoming discrimination in the tech industry. - Taking healthy breaks and prioritizing self-care. - Seeking support from mental health professionals. Our goal is an open, inclusive conversation about mental well-being in open source software. By acknowledging the interconnectedness of personal struggles and team success, we can build resilient, supportive environments for all tech talent to thrive.
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Sandeep Kanabar

Lead Software Engineer, Gen (formerly NortonLifeLock)
Hailing from India, Sandeep is a passionate software engineer working at Gen (formerly NortonLifeLock). A frequent meetup speaker, Sandeep enjoys sharing his lessons learned from 15+ years in the tech space with the community. He's a staunch advocate for diversity and inclusion and... Read More →
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Shivangi Motwani

Senior Software Engineer, Warner Bros. & Discovery
Shivangi has work experience of 3+ years, working with team building reliable products for Banking needs. Has learned how few configs of Kafka can notoriously behave at scale, along with that has experience making Observability easy for teams business teams and for teams of devel... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Hall A (1)

14:50 JST

Securing the Future: Modernising Singapore Government IT Policy Through Open Source - Hunter Nield, Government Technology Agency of Singapore & Eugene Lim, Open Government Products
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
In this session, we explore the Singapore Government's approach to modernising its security standards and policy development. By leveraging open formats such as OSCAL, open source tools, and integrating DevOps practices, Singapore is streamlining its cybersecurity governance, making it more lean, efficient and robust. Attendees will learn about the implementation of these technologies, the adoption of DevOps for policy development, and the benefits for government agencies. Join us to discover upcoming plans of compliance automation and security testing to further improve security and resiliency for public services.
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Eugene Lim

Lead Security Engineer, Open Government Products
Eugene is a cybersecurity professional and white hat hacker who builds resilient appsec programmes in the day and researches product security at night. His work has been featured in top cybersecurity conferences such as DEF CON and Black Hat USA as well as in industry publications... Read More →
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Hunter Nield

Distinguished Engineer, Government Technology Agency of Singapore
Hunter is a Distinguished Engineer at the Government Technology Agency of Singapore, where he helps leads the Cloud and DevOps Centre of Excellence. Prior to joining the Government, he ran businesses in Asia and Australia focusing on Cloud Infrastructure, Digital Transformation, and... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Hall A (1)

15:40 JST

Open Discussion on Understanding Cultural Differences When Approaching OSS - Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar, Bitergia; Ana Jiménez Santamaría, The Linux Foundation/TODO Group; Yuki Hattori, GitHub; Willem Jiang, ByteDance
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
This panel aims to provide lessons learned on cultural differences when approaching OSS communities. In the past, Willem and Daniel explored the differences between China and Spain. This time we are bringing Yuki Hattori, based in Japan, GitHub employee, and Ana Jiménez from the TODO group with a wide perspective on OSS projects around the world. We learned in the past about how Chinese society works [ring-based trusted networks] and barriers to effectively bringing people into Western based organizations and the other way around, how to effectively interact with more Chinese-based OSS projects. This time we would like to expand this discussion with Japanese concepts such as 'nemawashi' which is the practice of laying groundwork and building consensus before making proposals, 'uchi-soto' dynamics which is the distinction between 'insiders (uchi) and outsiders (soto) in social groups, and others. This panel will bring this discussion to the audience with practical advice on how to engage and onboard newcomers, while we are all learning together from each other.
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Willem Jiang

Principal Open Source Evangelist, ByteDance
Willem Jiang (Jiang Ning) is the principal Open Source Evangelist of ByteDance OSPO , and serves as a board director of the Apache Software Foundation. He has contributed to various Apache projects, including Camel, CXF, ServiceMix, and ServiceComb. Prior to joining ByteDance, Willem... Read More →
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Daniel Izquierdo

CEO, Bitergia
Daniel Izquierdo is a researcher and co-founder of Bitergia and currently holding the position of CEO, he is focused on the quality of the data, research of new metrics, analysis and studies of interest for Bitergia customers via data mining and processing. Daniel earned a PhD in... Read More →
avatar for Ana Jimenez

Ana Jimenez

Project Manager, Linux Foundation
Ana is a senior Project Manager at the Linux Foundation's TODO Group project, an open group of practitioners who want to collaborate on best practices and tools to effectively manage open source operations through Open Source Program Offices (OSPOs). Formerly she worked at Bitergia... Read More →
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Yuki Hattori

Sr. Customer Success Architect, GitHub
Primarily provides technical support for GitHub's enterprise solutions. Actively promotes the adoption of GitHub Copilot.Additionally, focuses on introducing open source culture and practices into corporations, advocating for InnerSource to break down organizational silos. Through... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
Hall A (1)

16:40 JST

Enhancing Open Source Collaboration: From Incentive Programs to Data-Driven Contribution Metrics - Xiaoya Xia, Ant Group
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
In this session, we will explore, analyze, and compare various existing models of incentivizing open source developers and the effectiveness of these models in promoting sustained contributions. We will cover different types of incentive programs such as: 1. Project-Based Internships: Programs like Google Summer of Code (GSoC), Open Source Promotion Plan (OSPP), and Outreachy. 2. Bounty Models: Platforms like IssueHunt and IssueBounty. 3. Direct Funding Models: Initiatives like GitHub Sponsors and Open Collective. Based on this foundation, this session will introduce a series of validated practices from various open source projects, corporate environments, and academic communities. These practices leverage an algorithm that precisely measures developer contributions within the community through collaborative behaviors. The contributions are quantified and scored, and the results are used to reward developers, thereby promoting better open source collaboration and community engagement. We call this measurement methodology Openrank.
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Xiaoya Xia

Open source program analyst, Ant Group
Xiaoya Xia is a member of the Ant Group OSPO, where she focuses on catalyzing open source success through data-driven insights. Before joining Ant Group, Xiaoya was a PhD at East China Normal University (ECNU), where she concentrated on research into open source ecosystem sustain... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
Hall A (1)

17:30 JST

OSS Bird’s Eye View : a Comprehensive Picture of the Open - Taishi Yoneshima, Japan OSS Promotion Forum / NEC & Shinji Enoki, Japan OSS Promotion Forum / LibreOffice Japanese Team
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
“The OSS Bird’s Eye View” provides a comprehensive picture of the open source ecosystem. “The OSS Bird’s Eye View” is a tool for visualizing OSS projects, created by community within Japan. This diagram helps to understand the categories and trends of the OSS ecosystem. In this session, we will explain how to create the OSS Bird’s Eye View and how to use it. Also, by comparing past OSS Bird’s Eye Views, we will introduce what kind of transitions have occurred in OSS over the past 10 years, and show how the OSS Bird’s Eye View has deepened our understanding of the OSS ecosystem. This session is beneficial for all people who are beginners in OSS, community leaders, developers, researchers, educators, and those who want to utilize OSS in business. We look forward to your participation.
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Shinji Enoki

Japan OSS Promotion Forum / LibreOffice Japanese Team
Shinji Enoki ia member of the OSS Bird's Eye View team of the Japan OSS Promotion Forum. His other community activities are a member of the LibreOffice Japanese Team, a substitute member of Membership Committee of The Document Foundation, a volunteer staff of Japan UNIX Society, a... Read More →
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Taishi Yoneshima

Leader / Assistant Manager, Japan OSS Promotion Forum / NEC
He is a leading member of the Open Source Program Office in NEC Corporation, and promoting OSS utilization and risk mitigation within the company, developing solutions related to SBOM and OSS security, and proposing secure utilization of OSS. He is a leader of Bird's-eye View WG of... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
Hall A (1)
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