October 28-29, 2024 | Tokyo, Japan
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Monday, October 28

07:30 JST

Registration & Badge Pick-Up
Monday October 28, 2024 07:30 - 18:10 JST
Monday October 28, 2024 07:30 - 18:10 JST
Main Foyer

09:00 JST

Keynote Sessions to be Announced
Monday October 28, 2024 09:00 - 10:45 JST
Monday October 28, 2024 09:00 - 10:45 JST
Main Hall

10:45 JST

Coffee Break
Monday October 28, 2024 10:45 - 11:15 JST
Monday October 28, 2024 10:45 - 11:15 JST
Solutions Showcase

10:45 JST

Sponsor Showcase
Monday October 28, 2024 10:45 - 19:30 JST
Monday October 28, 2024 10:45 - 19:30 JST
Solutions Showcase

11:15 JST

Democratizing Diffusion Models with Diffusers - Sayak Paul, Hugging Face
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
The talk “Democratizing Diffusion Models with Diffusers” will explore the diverse applications of the open-source Python library Diffusers in the image and video generation space. The talk will showcase how Diffusers, based on diffusion models, enables fast and high-quality image and video generation, making it accessible to a wide range of users. The presentation will cover various use cases, including image inpainting, image editing, and scene composition, demonstrating the capabilities of Diffusers in enabling users to create and edit photo-realistic images with minimum effort. The audience will gain insights into the potential of Diffusers in revolutionizing the way images and videos are generated and edited, making it a must-attend session for anyone interested in the latest advancements in this field.
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Sayak Paul

Research Engineer, Hugging Face
Sayak works on diffuson models at Hugging Face, focusing on training them, maintaining the diffusers library, and leading some applied research efforts. Off the work, he likes to binge-watch ICML tutorials and Suits.
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Hall B (4)

11:15 JST

AGL Roadmap Update - Walt Miner, The Linux Foundation
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
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Walt Miner

Senior Director of Community - Automotive Grade Linux, The Linux Foundation
Walt Miner is the Senior Director of Community at The Linux Foundation and has served as Community Manager for Automotive Grade Linux since 2014. Walt has spoken at numerous conferences throughout the worlds and brings over 30 years of embedded software development and management... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Hall B (3)

11:15 JST

Architecting Kubernetes-Based Internal Developer Platforms: Essential Patterns and Practices - Hiroshi Hayakawa, LY Corporation
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Recent IT paradigms like DevOps, CD, and IaC have shortened release cycles but burdened developers with mastering many tools. Platform Engineering, a field of software engineering frequently discussed in the CNCF, addresses this by providing Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) that automate non-essential tasks. Kubernetes is widely used to run the various components that make up an IDP, thanks to its consistent API experience and high extensibility. However, Kubernetes was initially created as a general foundation for running workloads, not as part of platforms. Therefore, IDP builders must add Cloud Native technologies and customizations to Kubernetes. Despite three years since the rise of platform engineering, making the right architectural and technology choices remains challenging and requires a deep understanding of the organization's context and technologies. In this session, he will explain various architectural patterns for building IDPs using Kubernetes, including access control and multitenancy. Additionally, based on years of experience providing Kubernetes-based IDPs, he will discuss the pros/cons, operational considerations, and suitable organizational structures.
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Hiroshi Hayakawa

Staff Platform Engineer, LY Corporation
Hiroshi is a lead engineer of Kubernetes-based application platforms in LY Corporation's Private Cloud Division. The company runs many large-scale applications on its Kubernetes-based platform, and Hiroshi is skilled in running applications stably at such a scale. He has also been... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Hall A (3)

11:15 JST

Safe Systems with Linux - Philipp Ahmann, Etas GmbH (BOSCH) & Kate Stewart, The Linux Foundation
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
As Linux is increasingly deployed in systems with varying criticality constraints, distro providers are expected to ensure that security fixes in their offerings do not introduce regressions for customer products that have safety considerations. The key question arises: How can they establish consistent linkage between code, tests, and the requirements that the code satisfies? And which open source tools and specifically for Linux exist to support traceability in order to comply with standards such as ASPICE, ISO26262 or ISO21434? This talk addresses critical challenges in requirements tracking, documentation, testing, and artifact sharing within the Linux kernel ecosystem. Functionality has historically been added to the kernel with requirements explained in the email justifications for adding, but not formalized as “requirements” in the kernel documentation. While tests are contributed for the code, the underlying requirement that the tests satisfies is likewise not documented in a consistent manner. This and further topics will be discussed. Additionally, the results from the "Safe Systems with Linux" micro conference at Linux plumbers will be summarized.
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Philipp Ahmann

Sr. OSS Community Manager, Etas GmbH (BOSCH)
Philipp Ahmann is a senior OSS community manager at Etas GmbH (BOSCH) specializing in safety and automotive grade open source software. He holds the position of technical steering committee chair for the Linux Foundation (LF) ELISA project to Enable Linux in Safety Applications and... Read More →
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Kate Stewart

VP Dependable Embedded Systems, Linux Foundation
Kate Stewart works with the safety, security and license compliance communities to advance the adoption of best practices into embedded open source projects. Since joining The Linux Foundation, she has launched the ELISA and Zephyr Projects, as well as supporting other embedded projects... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Main Hall

11:15 JST

The Kernel Report - Jonathan Corbet, LWN.net
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
The Linux kernel is at the core of any Linux system; the performance and capabilities of the kernel will, in the end, place an upper bound on what the system as a whole can do. This talk will review recent events in the kernel development community, discuss the current state of the kernel and the challenges it faces, and look forward to how the kernel may address those challenges. Attendees of any technical ability should gain a better understanding of how the kernel got to its current state and what can be expected in the near future.
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Jonathan Corbet

Editor, LWN.net
Jonathan Corbet is the kernel documentation maintainer, co-founder of LWN.net (and the author of its Kernel Page), a member of the Linux Foundation's Technical Advisory Board, and the lead author of Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition. He lives in Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Hall A (4)

11:15 JST

From Policy Enthusiast to Legislators' Contact Point - Ciarán O'Riordan, OpenForum Europe
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Governments around the world are working on legislation to regulate cybersecurity, AI, and product liability for software. The success of free and open source projects and companies has been driven by our technology. Our teams working on legislation and public policy are much smaller, but we also have results that we can be very proud of. This presentation looks at the importance of policy work and what we do that leads to success in this domain. We will look at the international relevance of some current regulations being produced in Europe - notably the EU's Cyber Resilience Act, the AI Act, and the Product Liability Directive. From these, we will look at how these areas could be best regulated in other parts of the world. We will examine the technical information that policy makers need, so that they can make informed decisions. And we will also look at the meta goal of improving our policy work in the long term. We will do this by looking at the methods and organisation that allowed our ecosystem to be effective while working with the legislators to improve these texts.
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Ciarán O'Riordan

Sr. Policy Advisor, OpenForum Europe
Senior Policy Advisor at OFE, Ciarán O’Riordan has been working in Brussels since 2004 with a focus on EU policy and free and open source software. He recently worked on the EU's Cyber Resilience Act as well as coordinating the efforts of many free and open source organisations... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Hall A (1)

11:15 JST

Building an Active Developer Community to Strengthen Open Source Program Offices (OSPO) - Regina Nkenchor, IKEA
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
OSPO initiatives thrive on the strength and engagement of their developer communities. However, creating and sustaining a vibrant community poses its own set of challenges. The primary goal of this talk is to share the strategies employed by Ingka IKEA’s Open Source Program Office (OSPO) for nurturing a dynamic and engaged developer community while considering the challenges of fostering collaboration within the open source ecosystem. Developers in an open source community often come from varied backgrounds and possess different levels of understanding and experience with open source contributions. Additionally, developers within an organization have varied concerns around their primary work goals, and contributing to open source may not always be a priority. Therefore, what are the strategies that OSPO’s can implement to enhance the appeal of open-source initiatives and encourage participation and contributions? How do they retain and support contributors to ensure consistent engagement? In this talk, I will share strategies from Ingka IKEA’s OSPO for building an active developer community to strengthen OSPO initiatives, empowering contributors in open-source projects.
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Regina Nkenchor

Software and OSPO Ambassador IKEA IT AB, IKEA
Regina is an OSPO Ambassador at IKEA. Her role also involves collaborating with the OSPO team to shape strategies and initiatives for adopting open source tools, developer community growth, and participation. Additionally, she is a software engineer at IKEA. Previously, Regina served... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Hall A (2)

11:15 JST

Securing the Unseen: Defending Against Open Source Software Supply Chain Attacks - Lawrence Crowther, Snyk
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Open source software powers today’s apps, but it also comes with hidden risks. Supply chain attacks targeting these components are on the rise, and the consequences can be serious. In this talk, we’ll uncover how these attacks work, share real-life examples, and discuss practical steps to protect your software. You’ll walk away with a clear understanding of the threats and how to keep your applications safe from unseen vulnerabilities in your open source dependencies.

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Lawrence Crowther

Head of Solutions Engineering APJ, Snyk
Lawrence Crowther is a leader in the Asia Pacific and Japan (APJ) tech scene with over 20+ years of experience. Currently, he heads the solutions engineering team at Snyk, where his team helps grow the business and promote Snyk's offerings across the region. Previously, Lawrence held... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 11:15 - 11:55 JST
Meeting Room 1

12:05 JST

Data Prep Kit: A Comprehensive Cloud-Native Toolkit for Scalable Data Preparation in GenAI App - Daiki Tsuzuku & Takuya Goto, IBM
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
Every conversation on AI starts with models and ends with data. Data preparation is emerging as a very important phase of the GenAI journey, as high quantity and quality text and code corpora for GenAI model training have shown to play a crucial role in producing high performing Large Language Models (LLMs). The data preparation phase in the Generative AI lifecycle aims to clean, filter, and transform the datasets of text and code that are acquired from various sources into a tokenized form that is suitable for the training of LLMs, be it pre-training, or constructing LLM apps via fine-tuning or instruct tuning. The latter poses unique challenges, as each use case may necessitate tailored data preparation approaches. Given the enduring and evolving demand for data preparation techniques in LLM applications, we are introducing Data Prep Kit as an open-source software asset. This endeavour is geared towards fostering collaborative efforts within the community, enabling collective development and utilization, and ultimately reducing time to value. DPK has been instrumental in powering the IBM open-source Granite models.
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Takuya Goto

Software Engineer, IBM
Takuya is a software engineer at IBM where he works on software product development, and open-source development. Takuya specializes in NLP, ML, and text-based data processing. In his free time, Takuya likes running, and traveling with my wife and son.
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Daiki Tsuzuku

Software Developer, IBM
I have been working in IBM as a software developer for about 7 years. I have been the backend developer, and sometimes frontend developer, of Watson Explorer, Watson Discovery, and watsonx Orchestrate. My field is to develop the application of processing a wide variety and large volume... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
Hall B (4)

12:05 JST

AGL Software Defined Vehicle Update - Jerry Zhao, Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
The AGL SDV Expert Group has been adding new features to the AGL Unified Code Base. Jerry will present an update on their latest efforts. 
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Jerry Zhao

Chief SDV Architect, Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.
Jerry leads the Automotive Grade Linux Software-Defined Vehicle Expert Group and works at Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. leading a development team for SDV solutions. He had abundant experience in multiple automotive fields, including IVI, AUTOSAR, virtualization and clou... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
Hall B (3)

12:05 JST

Open Source LLMs in the Cloud: Scalable Solutions - Miley Fu, WasmEdge
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
The demand for running LLMs in the cloud is growing exponentially. In this keynote, we will explore developer’s and enterprises’ urging need for open source LLMs and the best practices for deploying them in cloud-native environments. Three key approaches for LLM deployment: Python-based solutions, native runtimes like llama.cpp or vLLM, and WebAssembly as an abstraction layer. Miley will discuss the benefits and challenges of each approach, focusing on real-world applications, integration ease, portability, and resource efficiency and talk about the CNCF CNAI ecosystem landscape. This keynote aims to demystify cloud-native AI. Attendees will have practical advice and a clear roadmap for deploying LLMs in the cloud, learning about the strengths and trade-offs of different approaches, to have a better idea to select and implement the most suitable strategy
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Miley Fu

DevRel, WasmEdge
Miley is a Developer Advocate with a passion for empowering developers to build and contribute to open source. With over 5 years of experience working on WasmEdge runtime in CNCF sandbox as the founding member, she talked at KubeCon, KCD Shenzhen, CloudDay Italy, DevRelCon, Open Source... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
Hall A (3)

12:05 JST

Secure Code, Safe Future: Mastering Security in Critical Software Development - Liran Tal, Snyk
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
You do your best to build a quality product and ensure testability and maintainable code. However, code security issues require a different domain of expertise, and your last vulnerable line of code is your first security regret. Maybe you heard about OWASP Top 10, and just maybe you can spot an SQL injection but how do you scale and prioritize code security across your tech stack and your development team? How do you ship secure operational technology (OT) software for critical infrastructure? This task becomes even more difficult to balance with false positive alerts, struggles to find vulnerable C++ libraries statically compiled in your runtime, and bridging the growing security knowledge gap that results in developers writing insecure code. Tune in to learn about secure coding practices and techniques to produce high-quality secure software. Your takeaways from this session will be learning from practical real-world vulnerable code, secure dependency upgrade policies, leveraging SBOMs for vulnerability and package signals, and hands-on hacking demos. This session offers actionable strategies and real-world applications to help you safeguard your critical software projects.
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Liran Tal

Director of Developer Advocacy, Snyk
Liran Tal is a software developer, and a GitHub Star, world-recognized for his activism in open source communities and advancing web and Node.js security. He engages in security research through his work in the OpenJS Foundation and the Node.js ecosystem security WG, and further promotes... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
Main Hall

12:05 JST

Step by Step, What Should We Do for the Kernel Ecosystem? - Hirotaka Motai, Cybertrust Japan
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
The announcement that the kernel LTS period would be two years came as a shock to embedded Linux developers (especially in Japan). However, it was also the moment that they had been relying on the kernel maintainers.Hirotaka wondered what we could do for the maintainers who worked so hard to maintain the kernel LTS, and started "Linux Kernel LTS Study Group" in Japan.A number of issues came up, including those related to kernel testing, the product development period and LTS period, and upgrading kernel versions. In this session, he will share the summary of discussions with in-house kernel developers working in Japanese companies and some examples of Open Source projects that can help you solve them, and encourage what other in-house kernel developers or just user can do as a first step for the kernel community.
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Hirotaka Motai

Expert Engineer and OSPO staff, Cybertrust Japan
Hirotaka worked as an embedded software engineer for 20 years. Currently he works for Cybertrust Japan and develops Debian-based embedded Linux Distribution and technical services with his team. He is a member of the technical committees in the CIP project. He is also an OSPO staff... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
Hall A (4)

12:05 JST

Unlocking Agility with Open Source: A Guide for Modern Businesses - Younes Hairej, Aokumo Inc.
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
For modern businesses navigating today's dynamic tech environment, open source is more than just a platform – it's a game-changer. This session dives deep into the transformative power of open-source software as a key driver of business agility and innovation. Real-world stories from the world of FinTech will showcase how open source empowers Japanese organizations to adapt swiftly to evolving markets and technological advancements. We'll address a common pain point: security concerns during open-source adoption and explore effective strategies to mitigate them. Beyond the technology itself, this session explores the cultural shift required to thrive in an open-source ecosystem. We'll highlight the unique collaborative spirit and community aspects within the Japanese business landscape, empowering you to leverage open source effectively.
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Younes Hairej

Founder & CEO, Aokumo Inc.
Younes is a senior technologist and business leader with over 10 years of experience in cloud and open source technologies. He is the founder and CEO of Aokumo Inc., a cloud infrastructure company. He is a trusted technology advisor and has won awards for his work, including the FX-Markets... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 12:05 - 12:45 JST
Hall A (1)

12:45 JST

Lunch Break
Monday October 28, 2024 12:45 - 14:00 JST
Monday October 28, 2024 12:45 - 14:00 JST

14:00 JST

Optimize Your AI Cloud Infrastructure: A Hardware Perspective - Liang Yan, CoreWeave
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
GPU Cloud has become a ubiquitous component of contemporary AI infrastructure, especially for distributed machine learning scenarios. While conversations around AI infrastructure optimization typically revolve around the application layer, such as machine learning tasks and distributed job schedulers, delving into the underhood of the GPU cloud is essential. Numerous factors, including POD Scheduler, Device Plugin, GPU/NUMA topology, ROCE/NCCL Stack, and more, can significantly impact performance.

This session will thoroughly explore the tuning of various machine models(CNN/RNN/Transformer) from MLPerf using an H100 Cluster as a reference. We will analyze the correlation between model performance and device operator configuration in nodes by presenting first-hand experimental results to unveil the hidden potential within a K8S GPU Cloud.
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Liang Yan

Sr. Software Engineer, CoreWeave
Liang Yan is a senior software engineer at Coreweave, specializing in AI Infra, heterogeneous architecture acceleration and distributed machine learning systems from the cloud base. He collaborates closely with upstream communities and leading vendors like NVIDIA, AMD and ARM, delivering... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Hall B (4)

14:00 JST

Panel: How to Accelerate Contribution in Automotive Industry - Masato Endo & Ryunosuke Yamashita, Toyota Motor Corporation; Hiroyuki Ishii, Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.; Yuichi Kusakabe, Honda Motor Co., Ltd.; Meixia Wang, Volvo
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
As keywords such as SDV are heard more and more frequently, software is becoming more and more in demand in the automotive industry. Open source software is used not only in vehicles, but also in various other applications such as data centers, smartphone applications, and internal systems. Some community activities, such as AGL and ELISA, are being promoted mainly in the automotive industry, and an increasing number of companies in the industry have established OSPOs. On the other hand, some companies are still reluctant to provide software developed in-house to external parties, and there are cases where software engineers in the automotive industry want to participate in open source community activities but are not provided with appropriate support. In this panel, members who are involved in open source activities at OEMs and suppliers will gather to discuss solutions to make open source community activities and contributions smoother for software engineers in the automotive industry. If you have any problems in your open source activities, please join the discussion. We hope that these issues will also be solved by the community.
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Yuichi Kusakabe

Chief Architect/OSPO Tech Lead, Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
Yuichi Kusakabe is the Lead Architect at Honda Motor Co., Ltd. , AGL(Automotive Grade Linux) member and COVESA(Connected Vehicle Systems Alliance) member since 2011 with over twenty years of Automotive and Open Source Software Experience. Prior to joining Honda Motor he worked for... Read More →
avatar for Masato Endo

Masato Endo

Manager of OSPO, Toyota Motor Corporation
Masato Endo is a Group Manager of TOYOTA. He focuses also on building the Open Source governance structure within Toyota and developing relationships with the Open Source community, through projects such as AGL and OIN. From 2017, he began to work with the OpenChain Project as a board... Read More →
avatar for Meixia Wang

Meixia Wang

Director of Open Source Ecosystem, Volvo Car Corporation
Mary Wang is the Director of Open Source Ecosystem of Volvo Car Corporation. Her professional accomplishments include initiating open source project, forming and built OSPO for Volvo Cars. Before this, Mary was a subject matter expert configuration manager and was responsible for... Read More →
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Hiroyuki Ishii

AGL Steering Committee, Senior Linux Engineer/Architect at Panasonic Automotive Systems, Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.
Since 2014, Hiroyuki Ishii has been a senior Linux engineer/architect at Panasonic Automotive Systems, specializing in infotainment products, debugging tools, and system consolidation. In 2021, he joined the Automotive Grade Linux project as a member of the System Architect Team and... Read More →
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Ryunosuke Yamashita

Member of OSPO / Researcher, Toyota Motor Corporation
Ryunosuke Yamashita is a member of Toyota OSPO. He helps in-house software engineers solve problems related to OSS. He is also a member of the OpenChain Japan Work Group, where he is working on OSS license compliance. He wants to build and share OSPO best practices in the automotive... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Hall B (3)

14:00 JST

Unlocking the Power of OpenTelemetry: Enhancing Design, Development, and Testing - Takaya Ide & Yasuo Nakashima, Hitachi, Ltd.
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Developers often face the complex challenges of designing, debugging, and testing distributed systems like microservices. Understanding failures, identifying performance issues, and ensuring system reliability from the early stages of design and development can be daunting. Observability technologies provide valuable insights not just in production but also during design and development. In this session, we will explore OpenTelemetry, a cutting-edge observability framework, and its practical applications in the design, debugging, and testing of distributed systems. Key topics include: - Assessing the impact of incorporating a cache server on system behavior during the design phase. - Evaluating how database failures affect both backend and frontend applications during fault testing. - Detecting performance bottlenecks for specific requests during load testing. Participants will gain a clear understanding of how OpenTelemetry can revolutionize their debugging and testing processes, leading to more effective experiments and increased reliability in their distributed systems.
avatar for Yasuo Nakashima

Yasuo Nakashima

Researcher, Hitachi, Ltd.
Researcher, Digital Services Platform Innovation Center. 
avatar for Takaya Ide

Takaya Ide

Senior Researcher, Hitachi, Ltd.
Takaya is a Senior Researcher in Service Computing at Hitachi, Ltd. With a passion for Cloud Native, DevSecOps, and open-source contributions, he has been instrumental in designing architectures and implementing monitoring and security within the company.
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Hall A (3)

14:00 JST

Enhancing Cyber Resilience and Sustainability in Critical Infrastructure with CIP and IEC-62443-4 - Yoshitake Kobayashi, Civil Infrastructure Platform & Dinesh Kumar, Toshiba Software India
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Linux is the foundational infrastructure for mission-critical systems across sectors like energy, transportation, and healthcare. These systems must operate reliably for decades while adapting to evolving Smart City and IoT landscapes. Interconnectivity brings challenges in managing vulnerabilities and upgrades, requiring adherence to standards and maintaining system integrity.

The Civil Infrastructure Platform (CIP) project addresses these challenges by providing an Industrial Grade Linux platform for robust, secure, and sustainable operations. Over 7 years, CIP has demonstrated a commitment to meeting current needs and addressing future threats.

This presentation will explore CIP's pivotal role in strengthening cyber resilience and enhancing system reliability. It will also delve into the CIP Security Working Group's efforts to align the platform with the IEC 62443 standard for industrial control system security.

The key topics covered will include ensuring IEC-62443-4-x compliance, bridging gaps for updates and long-term support, traceability between code, tests, and requirements for standards compliance. The presentation will also discuss CIP's role in building sustainable and cyber-resilient critical infrastructure, integrating security throughout the CIP ecosystem using the IEC 62443 framework, and the benefits of this alignment for improved risk management and threat mitigation.

Attendees will gain insights on how CIP can help build future-ready, cyber-resilient systems
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Yoshitake Kobayashi

TSC Chair, Civil Infrastructure Platform (Toshiba)
Yoshitake Kobayashi is the Technical Steering Committee Chair for the Civil Infrastructure Platform Project, hosted by The Linux Foundation. He is actively working to leverage open-source software for a secure and sustainable society. Additionally, he leads a software R&D department... Read More →
avatar for Dinesh Kumar

Dinesh Kumar

Engineering Manager, Toshiba Software India pvt Ltd
Experienced, in developing Embedded linux software , Secure boot, Debian packages, board support packages, development of Android Application & Framework. My research interest includes embedded linux, Linux kernel security, cybersecurity and Cloud technologies. Currently working for... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Main Hall

14:00 JST

Contributing to KernelCI for Better Testing and Collaboration - Arisu Tachibana, Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd.
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Many products and services are dependent on the Linux Kernel. Because of this the Linux Kernel has to be tested on many different hardware to ensure the stability and reliability of these products or services, this is why KernelCI needs more collaboration both from users and companies. The Linux Kernel upstream community has requested more contributions from companies and users, in particular on the testing ecosystem, such as adding and reporting test results. By understanding corporate usage, the community can more easily provide support and collaborate effectively. KernelCI is one of the current main Kernel testing frameworks and is helping ensure the quality, stability and long-term maintenance of the Linux kernel. As a member of the KernelCI Technical Steering Committee (TSC), I will give details on KernelCI developments and directions. I will talk about current KernelCI new projects. I will talk about KCI tool usage and how it is possible to test own patches with the current KernelCI API and running the test privately. This session will provide useful information for people interested in adopting KernelCI and encourage them to contribute to KernelCI.
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Arisu Tachibana

Senior Engineer, Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd.
Gentoo Linux Developer and the Gentoo Kernel Project Leader. KernelCI Technical Steering Committee member. Furthermore, she is currently working as IoT Technology division as embedded software engineer for Cybertrust japan Co., Ltd.
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Hall A (4)

14:00 JST

Building Resiliency: Navigating Mental Well-Being in Open-Source and Software Careers - Sandeep Kanabar, Gen & Shivangi Motwani, Warner Bros. & Discovery
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
The software industry, a bastion of innovation, often overlooks the mental well-being of its builders. This session delves into challenges at all career levels including open source, from layoffs to project pressures, underscoring the need to recognize and respond to mental health fluctuations for inclusive, resilient teams. Compelling narratives include: - Leadership: A startup CEO battling burnout and imposter syndrome. - Career transitions: A young developer overcoming job loss stigma. - Personal resilience: An SRE managing personal loss during critical projects. - Open Source enthusiast: A open-source enthusiast juggling his passion in open source with his official work. Weaving in our journeys with depression during the pandemic, we'll explore strategies for: - Overcoming discrimination in the tech industry. - Taking healthy breaks and prioritizing self-care. - Seeking support from mental health professionals. Our goal is an open, inclusive conversation about mental well-being in open source software. By acknowledging the interconnectedness of personal struggles and team success, we can build resilient, supportive environments for all tech talent to thrive.
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Sandeep Kanabar

Lead Software Engineer, Gen (formerly NortonLifeLock)
Hailing from India, Sandeep is a passionate software engineer working at Gen (formerly NortonLifeLock). A frequent meetup speaker, Sandeep enjoys sharing his lessons learned from 15+ years in the tech space with the community. He's a staunch advocate for diversity and inclusion and... Read More →
avatar for Shivangi Motwani

Shivangi Motwani

Senior Software Engineer, Warner Bros. & Discovery
Shivangi has work experience of 3+ years, working with team building reliable products for Banking needs. Has learned how few configs of Kafka can notoriously behave at scale, along with that has experience making Observability easy for teams business teams and for teams of devel... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Hall A (1)

14:00 JST

The Role of Open Source Management Talent in Ensuring Software Ecosystem Stability - Ana Jiménez Santamaría, The Linux Foundation/TODO Group & Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar, Bitergia
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
The stability of software ecosystems heavily relies on the effective management of open source components across the supply chain. This session will highlight best practices demonstrating the strategic value of open source management talent through case studies and quantitative analyses. Ana Jiménez and Daniel Izquierdo will present practical scenarios where these professionals effectively communicate the importance of open source components to executives, identify bottlenecks affecting engineering teams, and leverage existing open source software toolkits to gather critical data for better decision-making.
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Daniel Izquierdo

CEO, Bitergia
Daniel Izquierdo is a researcher and co-founder of Bitergia and currently holding the position of CEO, he is focused on the quality of the data, research of new metrics, analysis and studies of interest for Bitergia customers via data mining and processing. Daniel earned a PhD in... Read More →
avatar for Ana Jimenez

Ana Jimenez

Project Manager, Linux Foundation
Ana is a senior Project Manager at the Linux Foundation's TODO Group project, an open group of practitioners who want to collaborate on best practices and tools to effectively manage open source operations through Open Source Program Offices (OSPOs). Formerly she worked at Bitergia... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 JST
Hall A (2)

14:50 JST

A Next-generation IoT Platform for Edge AI Apps Leveraging Sensors and Wasm - Munehiro Shimomura, Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation & Kenji Shimizu, Midokura
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
In this session, we will introduce the construction of a comprehensive platform that uses Edge AI and sensors to cover everything from devices to the cloud. The platform enables advanced cooperation between sensors and AI control, and emphasizes seamless and dynamic replacement of AI models by using WebAssembly (Wasm). Furthermore, through open sourcing, we aim to expand the ecosystem and form a technical community. Through technical details and real-world scenarios, we will provide insights that participants can apply to their own projects.
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Kenji Shimizu

Manager, Midokura
After spending more than 20 years in Japanese telecom & mobile company as an R&D engineering researcher and manager, he, inspired by Midokura's vision, has joined and started to play a role to expand the ecosystem for open source for an edge distributed AI sensing infrastructure which... Read More →
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Munehiro Shimomura

Open Source Program Manager, Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation
Munehiro is the division's OSPO Open Source Program Manager, where he leads open source strategy development and execution. He believes it is important to create a culture in which organizations can strategically and proactively utilize open source, and is working hard to achieve... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Meeting Room 1

14:50 JST

Unlocking Local LLMs with Quantization - Marc Sun, Hugging Face
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
This talk will share the story of quantization, its rise in popularity, and its current status in the open-source community. We'll begin by reviewing key quantization papers, such as QLoRA by Tim Dettmers and GPTQ by Elias Frantar. Next, we'll demonstrate how quantization can be applied at various stages of model development, including pre-training, fine-tuning, and inference. Specifically, we'll share our experience in pre-training a 1.58-bit model, show how fine-tuning is achievable using PEFT + QLoRA, and discuss optimizing inference performance with torch.compile or custom kernels. Finally, we'll highlight efforts within the community to make quantized models more accessible, including how transformers incorporate state-of-the-art quantization schemes and how to run GGUF models from llama.cpp.
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Marc Sun

Machine Learning Engineer, HuggingFace
Marc is a ML Engineer working on the Open Source team at Hugging Face and he collaborates with researchers and developers to add new exciting features in the HF ecosystem and have contributed to various libraries in the HF ecosystem (transformers, accelerate, PEFT). Marc is also deeply... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Hall B (4)

14:50 JST

AGL in the Cloud: Progress on AMI Builds - Jan-Simon Möller, The Linux Foundation
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
AGL can run in AWS and here is how...
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Jan-Simon Moeller

Release Manager, The Linux Foundation
Jan-Simon Möller is Release Manager of the Automotive Grade Linux Project (AGL). He's an active contributor to open source projects for over a decade.
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Hall B (3)

14:50 JST

Embedded Software Development Efficiency Improvement with Docker and Kubernetes - Tao Chen, Renesas
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
This presentation will explain the concept of Docker and demonstrate how it shortens the development iteration cycle. Additionally, a demonstration will showcase how Kubernetes can enhance CI/CD performance in the development process.
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Tao Chen

Staff Software Engineer, Renesas
Since joining Renesas in 2022, I have been dedicated to software platform development for Renesas RZ MPUs. I am constantly focused on enhancing development efficiency by introducing innovative ideas, leveraging open-source software, and taking actionable steps to implement these... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Hall A (3)

14:50 JST

Exploring CXL Memory: Configuration and Emulation - Yasunori Goto, Fsas Technologies Inc.
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
CXL memory offers the promise of increased memory capacity, which addressing the limitations of conventional DDR DRAM, and also features a memory pool that allows users to dynamically adjust memory allocation based on workload needs. The Linux community has been rapidly developing many CXL features. Additionally, users can try a CXL memory environment with QEMU emulation without actual CXL hardware. This allows users to experiment with CXL memory features in an emulated environment. However, there are some difficulties and considerations when using CXL memory. For example, you cannot use CXL (2.0 or later) memory devices without configuring them using the "cxl create-region" command. Moreover, if you want to utilize memory interleave to achieve optimal performance, you need to understand the hardware topology, including the CXL switch, and reconfigure the region for CXL volatile memory at every boot time. While development is ongoing, these features may be improved in the future. However, there are still many difficulties for users at present. This talk will cover how to use CXL memory and its emulation.
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Yasunori Goto

Senior Software Engineer, Fujitsu Ltd.
Yasunori Goto has been working for the Linux kernel since 2002 and currently leads a Linux kernel development team at Fujitsu. He has much experience in Linux kernel development and difficult kernel troubles for end-users. In recent years, he has taken an interest in Compute Express... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Hall A (4)

14:50 JST

Securing the Future: Modernising Singapore Government IT Policy Through Open Source - Hunter Nield, Government Technology Agency of Singapore & Eugene Lim, Open Government Products
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
In this session, we explore the Singapore Government's approach to modernising its security standards and policy development. By leveraging open formats such as OSCAL, open source tools, and integrating DevOps practices, Singapore is streamlining its cybersecurity governance, making it more lean, efficient and robust. Attendees will learn about the implementation of these technologies, the adoption of DevOps for policy development, and the benefits for government agencies. Join us to discover upcoming plans of compliance automation and security testing to further improve security and resiliency for public services.
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Eugene Lim

Lead Security Engineer, Open Government Products
Eugene is a cybersecurity professional and white hat hacker who builds resilient appsec programmes in the day and researches product security at night. His work has been featured in top cybersecurity conferences such as DEF CON and Black Hat USA as well as in industry publications... Read More →
avatar for Hunter Nield

Hunter Nield

Distinguished Engineer, Government Technology Agency of Singapore
Hunter is a Distinguished Engineer at the Government Technology Agency of Singapore, where he helps leads the Cloud and DevOps Centre of Excellence. Prior to joining the Government, he ran businesses in Asia and Australia focusing on Cloud Infrastructure, Digital Transformation, and... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Hall A (1)

14:50 JST

Best Practices for Reducing Patent Risk to OSS Projects - Keith Bergelt, Open Invention Network
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
At Open Source Summit Japan, within the Operation Management Summit, Keith Bergelt, CEO of Open Invention network, will address ways to mitigate risk to open source projects, developers and distributors. Few developers or businesses will show interest in contributing to an open source project if it doesn't address potential bugs, security issues, or feature additions to its repository. This is well understood by the OSS community and spurred its growth into new technological areas such as AI/ML, FinTech and Automotive, among many others. However, many of today’s most popular open source licenses do not adequately address patent risk for open source projects. As patent risk is a challenge that must be addressed, this presentation will discuss the key tenets around patent non-aggression in open source, key patent-related risks, and the best practices that open source projects and their management should consider moving forward to “address the issue.” . Key Takeaways: - An understanding of the patent threat matrix to open source projects - Ways patent litigation risks are rising & ways to reduce these risks - Best practice solutions for management to mitigate these challenges
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Keith Bergelt

CEO, Open Invention Network
Keith Bergelt is the CEO of Open Invention Network (OIN), the only institution focused on mitigating patent risk in open source software. Funded by Google, IBM, NEC, Philips, Sony, SUSE, and Toyota, OIN has nearly 4,000 community members. In his capacity as CEO, he is directly responsible... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Main Hall

14:50 JST

Middle-Platform Empowerment: Growing and Sustaining Open Source Projects at Ant Group - Xiaoya Xia & Peggy Dong, Ant Group
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
This session introduces Ant Group OSPO's approach to growing and sustaining open source projects through governance and tooling services. We employ systematic strategies to discover and nurture open source talent, providing comprehensive lifecycle support from project initiation to incubation and maturation. These governance practices ensure that projects are well-managed, leading to sustainable development and long-term success.On the other hand, we leverage digital and tooling-based open source infrastructure to create dynamic ecosystems. This includes digital growth dashboards that offer relational insights and analytics, as well as contribution incentive mechanisms that promote deeper community engagement. Join us to uncover: 1. How our governance service foundation lays the groundwork for robust open source project development. 2. Strategies for effective talent cultivation and project lifecycle management. 3. The utilization of digital tools to track and foster project growth. 4. Mechanisms to encourage and reward community contributions, driving active participation.
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Xiaoya Xia

Open source program analyst, Ant Group
Xiaoya Xia is a member of the Ant Group OSPO, where she focuses on catalyzing open source success through data-driven insights. Before joining Ant Group, Xiaoya was a PhD at East China Normal University (ECNU), where she concentrated on research into open source ecosystem sustain... Read More →
avatar for Peggy Dong

Peggy Dong

Open Source Governance Expert, Ant Group
I believe Open source represents a force for good. Being attracted by the concepts of open source, collaboration and sharing, I joined Ant Open Source OSPO early last year. Before this, I was mainly engaged in strategic planning, hoping to bring a different perspective to open source... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 JST
Hall A (2)

15:40 JST

From Design to Launch: Implementing AI Governance at Scale - Nathália Kuromiya & Martin Winkler, Google
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
What does it take to design, implement, and roll out a comprehensive AI governance program? What challenges and opportunities do companies encounter when scaling AI governance across diverse products and AI applications, and how can AI governance programs be designed to stay agile in a dynamic technological and regulatory environment? Insights on scaling AI governance programs progressively across multiple jurisdictions while keeping them agile in a dynamic technological and regulatory landscape. Practical learnings, effective solutions and challenges to watch out for. Topics discussed: - What are the building blocks of your company’s AI Governance program? - What challenges did we face when building an AI Governance program? - The AI Governance landscape is evolving rapidly – both through technical innovation and regulatory advances. How to keep an agile approach to AI governance? - What kinds of risks are front and center when you’re building an AI Governance program? What kinds of opportunities?
avatar for Martin Winkler

Martin Winkler

Software Engineer, Google
Martin Winkler is a Software Engineer at Google as part of the Privacy, Safety and Security team. He works as a lead for privacy and governance tooling and tackled cross-company privacy challenges to ensure the safety of users and their data. Additionally, he is establishing company... Read More →
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Nathália Kuromiya

Software Engineer, Google
Nathália Harumi Kuromiya is a Software Engineer at Google as part of the Privacy, Safety and Security team. She works as a lead for privacy and governance tooling and had a privacy reviewer role. For the past year, she's been working on AI safety space as one of the technical contributors... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
Hall B (4)

15:40 JST

Virtio-Loopback Status and Next Steps - Michele Paolino, Virtual Open Systems
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
virtio-loopback is a virtio Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) for non-virtualized environments designed and implemented by the Software Defined Vehicle Expert Group (SDV). Thanks to this technology, it is possible to abstract hardware dependencies and run the same software seamlessly on both virtualized and non virtualized systems. During this session, the latest development results related to this year activity will be shared with the community. In particular, detailed information about the development status (multi-device support, prioritization, etc) and future works will be provided.
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Michele Paolino

Virtualization Architect, Virtual Open Systems
virtualization architect active in AGL since 2016
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
Hall B (3)

15:40 JST

eBPF-Powered Observability for Sustainable Computing - Paras Mamgain, Anmol Krishan Sachdeva, Samrat Priyadarshi & Miki Katsuragi, Google
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
With the advancements in the fields of Applied AI/ML, computational power, FinOps practices, and cloud services, organizations are increasingly building and deploying AI/ML workloads on Kubernetes. Cloud Computing gives the impression that the underlying resources (like Virtual Machines, CPU, RAM, Storage, etc.) are infinite, and hence many individuals don’t focus on the count of machines and resources when training their AI/ML models and proceed with training fairly large models with millions and billions of parameters. The energy-intensive nature of model training and iterations, coupled with the growing scale of AI/ML deployments, is contributing to a considerable environmental impact in the form of Carbon Emissions.

This talk introduces some key open-source cloud agnostic tools and techniques to build eBPF-powered observability solutions for practicing Sustainable Computing. By analyzing and tuning performance and energy metrics from Kubernetes resources like Pods and Nodes, AI/ML Practitioners and Platform Engineers can optimize workloads, reduce energy consumption, lower costs, and minimize environmental impact while maintaining performance.
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Miki Katsuragi

AI Consultant, Google Cloud
Miki is an AI Consultant at Google with a background in Data Analysis and Machine Learning. She has experience working at a database vendor, and currently develops cloud-based ML services and implements data analysis solutions. She is also a co-author of "Scalable Data Science" published... Read More →
avatar for Paras Mamgain

Paras Mamgain

Software Engineer, Google
I am a passionate programmer and a backend developer with a special taste for information retrieval and using new ideas to collaborate with team members to solve existing challenges and attempting to convert them to Intellectual property.Currently, as a Software Engineer my work is... Read More →
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Anmol Krishan Sachdeva

Hybrid Cloud Architect, Google
Anmol is an International Tech Speaker, a Distinguished Guest Lecturer, an active conference organizer, and has published several notable papers. He works at Google and focuses on Emerging Technologies. Anmol has years of rich experience in handling and configuring large-scale K8s... Read More →
avatar for Samrat Priyadarshi

Samrat Priyadarshi

Cloud Engineer, Google
Samrat is a Cloud Engineer at Google with 8 years of experience in Cloud Computing focussing mainly on Kubernetes and related landscapes. He has given several talks in Google Developers Group, Google DevFest.
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
Hall A (3)

15:40 JST

Open Discussion on Understanding Cultural Differences When Approaching OSS - Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar, Bitergia; Ana Jiménez Santamaría, The Linux Foundation/TODO Group; Yuki Hattori, GitHub; Willem Jiang, ByteDance
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
This panel aims to provide lessons learned on cultural differences when approaching OSS communities. In the past, Willem and Daniel explored the differences between China and Spain. This time we are bringing Yuki Hattori, based in Japan, GitHub employee, and Ana Jiménez from the TODO group with a wide perspective on OSS projects around the world. We learned in the past about how Chinese society works [ring-based trusted networks] and barriers to effectively bringing people into Western based organizations and the other way around, how to effectively interact with more Chinese-based OSS projects. This time we would like to expand this discussion with Japanese concepts such as 'nemawashi' which is the practice of laying groundwork and building consensus before making proposals, 'uchi-soto' dynamics which is the distinction between 'insiders (uchi) and outsiders (soto) in social groups, and others. This panel will bring this discussion to the audience with practical advice on how to engage and onboard newcomers, while we are all learning together from each other.
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Willem Jiang

Principal Open Source Evangelist, ByteDance
Willem Jiang (Jiang Ning) is the principal Open Source Evangelist of ByteDance OSPO , and serves as a board director of the Apache Software Foundation. He has contributed to various Apache projects, including Camel, CXF, ServiceMix, and ServiceComb. Prior to joining ByteDance, Willem... Read More →
avatar for Daniel Izquierdo

Daniel Izquierdo

CEO, Bitergia
Daniel Izquierdo is a researcher and co-founder of Bitergia and currently holding the position of CEO, he is focused on the quality of the data, research of new metrics, analysis and studies of interest for Bitergia customers via data mining and processing. Daniel earned a PhD in... Read More →
avatar for Ana Jimenez

Ana Jimenez

Project Manager, Linux Foundation
Ana is a senior Project Manager at the Linux Foundation's TODO Group project, an open group of practitioners who want to collaborate on best practices and tools to effectively manage open source operations through Open Source Program Offices (OSPOs). Formerly she worked at Bitergia... Read More →
avatar for Yuki Hattori

Yuki Hattori

Sr. Customer Success Architect, GitHub
Primarily provides technical support for GitHub's enterprise solutions. Actively promotes the adoption of GitHub Copilot.Additionally, focuses on introducing open source culture and practices into corporations, advocating for InnerSource to break down organizational silos. Through... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
Hall A (1)

15:40 JST

OS Sustainability in Japan: Open Collaboration Model to Spin up the OSS 3P Cycle - Yuichi Nakamura & Ayumi Watanabe, Hitachi; Shingo Fujimoto, Fujitsu; Masato Endo, Toyota; Munehiro Ikeda, Cybertrust Japan; Moderated by Nori Fukuyasu, The Linux Foundation
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
To sustain the OS industry, we must assess the efficiency of the open source 3P cycle (Projects, Products, and Profits). Companies build products using open source software and generate revenue. This should incentivize them to reinvest in open source communities, thereby creating better products and increasing profits. However, the 3P cycle is not functioning smoothly. While companies utilize open source technologies, they often do so without collaborating with the community. This lack of interaction reduces their interest in reinvesting in the open source ecosystem. This issue significantly impacts the Japanese industry. Companies miss opportunities to leverage cutting-edge technologies and remain less inclined to invest in talent development within and outside their organizations. The resulting talent shortage poses a serious sustainability challenge for the industry. In this session, LF Japan evangelists will discuss this topic from their respective areas of expertise, including cloud, blockchain, security, compliance, and OSPO. Attendees will learn about the latest trends in open source and business and engage in discussions on how to enhance the 3P cycle in Japan.
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Yuichi Nakamura

Chief OSS Strategist, Hitachi
Yuichi Nakamura,Ph.D has been engaged with OSS over 20 years, contributed SELinux, gave presentations in many OSS events such as Linux Security Summit, Embedded Linux Conference and KubeCon. He also launched ecosystem of business and OSS contribution model based on Keycloak in Hitachi,Ltd... Read More →
avatar for Ayumi Watanabe

Ayumi Watanabe

SBOM Evangelist, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.
Ayumi Watanabe is a Senior OSS Specialist of Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.. She is also a core member of OpenChain Japan and known as a SBOM evangelist appointed by the Linux Foundation Japan. Her strong point is a knowledge of many tools for SBOM generation and management, a wide range... Read More →
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Shingo Fujimoto

Senior Research Director, Fujitsu
Shingo Fujimoto leads the development of various blockchain technologies in Fujitsu, based on his broad knowledge in the field of internet security and protocol design. He is also involved in several blockchain PoC projects with innovative customers. Shingo is a maintainer of Hyperledger... Read More →
avatar for Masato Endo

Masato Endo

Manager of OSPO, Toyota Motor Corporation
Masato Endo is a Group Manager of TOYOTA. He focuses also on building the Open Source governance structure within Toyota and developing relationships with the Open Source community, through projects such as AGL and OIN. From 2017, he began to work with the OpenChain Project as a board... Read More →
avatar for Munehiro Ikeda

Munehiro Ikeda

Lead Architect, Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd.
Ikeda Munehiro is a key engineer in the IoT Technology Division at Cybertrust Japan, working on leading-edge technologies and contributing to the Open Source Security Foundations(OpenSSF) activities on OSS security and supply chain.
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Nori Fukuyasu

VP of Japan Operations, The Linux Foundation
VP of Japan Operations at Linux Foundation.
Monday October 28, 2024 15:40 - 16:20 JST
Main Hall

15:45 JST

Recent TPM Security Enhancements to the Linux Kernel - James Bottomley, Microsoft
Monday October 28, 2024 15:45 - 16:25 JST
Recent security updates to Linux, such as the new Systemd Unified Kernel Image[1] rely on the discrete or firmware integrated TPM (Trusted Platform Module) to verify boot and release secrets securely. However, there are many known attacks against the TPM chip itself. We will discuss the newly upstreamed Linux Kernel TPM security patches[2], which not only provide a basis for securely communicating with the TPM but also provide a novel defences against a wide variety of TPM based attacks by using a unique (to Linux) null key scheme. This talk will cover what TPM based attacks are (including interposer attacks), how the Trusted Computing Group expects you to tell you're talking to a real TPM and how you can communicate with it securely and use its policy statements to govern key use and release. We will then move on to how the new Linux Kernel patches extend this and can be leveraged to validate the TPM on every boot and continually monitoring it for any TPM interposer substitutions in real time. [1] https://github.com/uapi-group/specifications/blob/main/specs/unified_kernel_image.md [2] https://lore.kernel.org/all/20240429202811.13643-1-James.Bottomley@HansenPartnership.com/
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James Bottomley

Partner Architect, Microsoft
James Bottomley is a Partner Architect at Microsoft working on Linux. He is also Linux Kernel maintainer of the SCSI subsystem. He started at AT&T Bell labs to work on Lock Manager technology for clustering. In 2000 he helped found SteelEye Technology to bring HA to Linux, becoming... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 15:45 - 16:25 JST
Hall A (4)

16:20 JST

Coffee Break
Monday October 28, 2024 16:20 - 16:40 JST
Monday October 28, 2024 16:20 - 16:40 JST

16:40 JST

Leveraging Zephyr and ML to Bring Smart Devices to Market, Faster - Kate Stewart, The Linux Foundation
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
End point devices are resource constrained, either in terms of power, memory or communication capabilities - sometimes all three. However, being able to apply machine learning on these end point devices is possible and when applied strategically enables system wide efficiencies to be realized. This talk will explore the requirements and tradeoffs for such system to be considered when using the Zephyr RTOS and Tensorflow Lite for Embedded Microcontrollers projects.
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Kate Stewart

VP Dependable Embedded Systems, Linux Foundation
Kate Stewart works with the safety, security and license compliance communities to advance the adoption of best practices into embedded open source projects. Since joining The Linux Foundation, she has launched the ELISA and Zephyr Projects, as well as supporting other embedded projects... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
Hall B (4)

16:40 JST

Establishing a Software-Defined Multi-Display Framework with Unified HMI - Kenta Murakami, Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
In recent years, more in-vehicle displays have created a need for flexible application displays across multiple screens, opening new UI/UX development opportunities. However, achieving this flexibility with current graphic frameworks is costly as each hardware platform requires custom display interconnections. The automotive industry needs a "Software-Defined" display framework to separate software from hardware. Our open-source Unified HMI framework meets this need with display virtualization, enabling flexible cockpit UI/UX development across multiple displays, regardless of hardware. Unified HMI supports software-defined development on different SoCs and OS like AGL and Android, reducing development time and costs by developing seamlessly in cloud virtual ECU. It also supports continuous OTA updates throughout the vehicle's lifecycle. In this presentation, we will highlight the new feature of Unified HMI and give an outlook for future enhancements.
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Kenta Murakami

Employee, Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.
Kenta Murakami has three years of experience at Panasonic Automotive Systems Corporation, focusing on the development and research of graphics framework for automotive embedded operating systems. He is committed to contributing to the field of automotive software. Outside of work... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
Hall B (3)

16:40 JST

Secure and Efficient Data Sharing with Federated Cloud Storage - Masataka Mizukoshi, NTT
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
As the importance of data utilization for AI grows, enterprises aim to securely exchange data with their customers and leverage external data.Many services and open-source software related to data sharing and governance have attracted attention and extensive research and development, such as Snowflake Marketplace and Databricks Delta Sharing, among others. However, sharing data between different companies presents numerous challenges in terms of data security and efficiency, including efficient access to geographically dispersed data and access control for data managed by multiple organizations. To address these challenges, we have developed virtual data lake system that achieves efficient and secure data sharing using federated cloud storage. In this approach, virtual data integration is performed by collecting and managing only metadata without collecting the original data. In this session, we’ll take a look at how to build a safe and efficent data lake system by using existing OSS for data governance and data federation tools, such as LinkedIn DataHub and Alluxio ..etc.
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Masataka Mizukoshi

Reseacher, NTT
I am a researcher at NTT Labs, focusing on developing a data platform using a variety of open-source software. Previously, I conducted research in distributed computing related to Hadoop/Spark. I have spoken at international conferences such as IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
Hall A (3)

16:40 JST

Improving Bpftrace Reliability - Daniel Xu, Meta
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
bpftrace is a popular and powerful dynamic tracer for Linux systems. In the vast majority of uses cases, bpftrace does its job quickly, efficiently, and accurately. However with the rapid growth of users, use cases, and features, the bpftrace community has started to feel (technical) growing pains. In particular, we've started to uncover various reliability issues. In this talk, we will cover what is already done as well as what is currently broken and how we will systematically fix and prevent these issues from re-occuring. Because bpftrace sits at the intersection of operating systems, compilers, and observability, we have the fortunate advantage of being able to absorb techniques and tricks from these fairly different disciplines. We hope that some of the knowledge we share will be both interesting as well practical to attendees. Audience participation is highly welcome. In particular, we are quite interested in receiving feedback in the form of bug reports, feature requests, complaints, etc.
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Daniel Xu

Software Engineer, Meta
I mostly work in the eBPF / kernel networking space these days. I contribute to and help maintain bpftrace along with other bits and pieces of software in the Linux world.
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
Hall A (4)

16:40 JST

Enhancing Open Source Collaboration: From Incentive Programs to Data-Driven Contribution Metrics - Xiaoya Xia, Ant Group
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
In this session, we will explore, analyze, and compare various existing models of incentivizing open source developers and the effectiveness of these models in promoting sustained contributions. We will cover different types of incentive programs such as: 1. Project-Based Internships: Programs like Google Summer of Code (GSoC), Open Source Promotion Plan (OSPP), and Outreachy. 2. Bounty Models: Platforms like IssueHunt and IssueBounty. 3. Direct Funding Models: Initiatives like GitHub Sponsors and Open Collective. Based on this foundation, this session will introduce a series of validated practices from various open source projects, corporate environments, and academic communities. These practices leverage an algorithm that precisely measures developer contributions within the community through collaborative behaviors. The contributions are quantified and scored, and the results are used to reward developers, thereby promoting better open source collaboration and community engagement. We call this measurement methodology Openrank.
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Xiaoya Xia

Open source program analyst, Ant Group
Xiaoya Xia is a member of the Ant Group OSPO, where she focuses on catalyzing open source success through data-driven insights. Before joining Ant Group, Xiaoya was a PhD at East China Normal University (ECNU), where she concentrated on research into open source ecosystem sustain... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
Hall A (1)

16:40 JST

A Practical Guide to Using International Standards for Open Source Procurement - Shane Coughlan, OpenChain Project
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
International standards addressing specific challenges around open source provide organizations significant opportunities for increasing efficiency and reducing risk. This talk will explain practical ways for procurement departments to use these standards to benefit product teams, IP departments, legal departments or OSPOs supporting corporate policy. The focus will be on ISO/IEC 5230 (license compliance), ISO/IEC 18974 (security assurance) and ISO/IEC 5962 (SBOM), all mature standards maintained by Linux Foundation Projects. The audience of this talk will be equipped to immediately improve their supply chain management as either customers or suppliers in any industry sector.
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Shane Coughlan

General Manager, OpenChain Project
Shane Coughlan is an expert in communication, security and business development. His professional accomplishments include spearheading the licensing team that elevated OIN into the largest patent non-aggression community in history and establishing the first global network for open... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 17:20 JST
Main Hall

16:40 JST

LFX Mentorship Showcase (Open to All Attendees; No Additional Fee or Registration Required)
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 18:10 JST

Vivek Vishal

Student, SLIET Longowal
avatar for Nitish Kumar

Nitish Kumar

Software Engineering Intern, Akuity
Nitish is a Software Engineer at Akuity and a CNCF Ambassador. In the past, Nitish has served as a Linux Foundation Mentee under the Kubernetes Release Engineering Team, where he built the OBS library that is used by the Kubernetes project to automate the process of managing release... Read More →
avatar for Yash Khare

Yash Khare

Software Engineer, Keploy
Yash Khare - currently a full time open source developer, a member of CNCF sandbox project Clusterpedia , focused on multi cluster resource management and LFX Mentee at Konveyor. My ongoing projects revolve around easy adoption of applications to Kubernetes. I recently contributed... Read More →
avatar for António Pedro

António Pedro

Software Engineer, Kinsari - Sistemas de Informação | Angola Open-source Community
António Pedro is a final-year Computer Science and Engineering student at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, India. With a strong interest in distributed systems, cloud-native and related technologies, António is an LFX mentorship graduate contributing to Strimzi... Read More →
avatar for Gurmannat Sohal

Gurmannat Sohal

Student, IIT Roorkee
I am a 21-year-old from India, studying electrical engineering at IIT Roorkee. I am deeply engaged in open-source projects, notably Gasper, which is an intelligent PaaS solution enhancing app and database management across cloud environments. My contributions have focused on improving... Read More →
avatar for K Sanjay Kumar

K Sanjay Kumar

Student, University of Mumbai
Sanjay Kumar is a final year Computer Science undergraduate student with 3 years of experience in tech, having worked in positions as a Product Designer, Full-stack Engineer, and AI/ML Engineer. In addition to his professional experience, he launched his own AI SaaS application, TimeStamper... Read More →
avatar for Tarek Elsayed

Tarek Elsayed

Student, Mansoura University
I’m Tarek Elsayed, a software developer passionate about open source technology. My areas of expertise span machine learning, DevOps, and blockchain. Over the years, I've contributed to projects like mlpack in machine learning, Hyperledger Solang in blockchain, and various Bitcoin-related... Read More →

Suyash Nayan

None, None
My name is Suyash Nayan, currently in my Senior Year. I just finished my internship with Hyperledger where I worked optimising and improving the performance of Hyperledger Besu.Prior to this, I interned at Google during my Freshman year working on the Chromium team where I worked... Read More →
avatar for Sarthak Negi

Sarthak Negi

Sarthak Negi is passionate about open source software and cloud-native. He believe in the collaborative nature of the community and actively contribute to various projects. Sharing knowledge and collaborating with like-minded individuals is something he deeply value.Previously, Sarthak... Read More →

Xinyu Wu

Student, Texas A&M University
Master of Computer Science in Texas A&M University

Thibaut Freedisch Batale

I build and unintentionally break things (which he eventually fixes 🙂). I have a keen interest in software development, system design and love contributing to Open Source. I have been involved in many open-source projects, but my notable work is at OWASP with the Juice-Shop project... Read More →

Subhranil Raha

I have conducted a session as the Google Developers Student Club - HITK Blockchain Lead, focusing on blockchain technology. Additionally, during my previous internship at IEM Labs, I delivered sessions on various topics.

Dipendra Khadka

QA Engineer, John Snow Labs
Dipendra Khadka, a driven and accomplished individual, began his journey towards excellence at Nepal Engineering College, Nepal, where he was honored with the prestigious Chairman's Pride Gold Medal. With a strong foundation in engineering, he embarked on his professional career as... Read More →
avatar for Deep Poharkar

Deep Poharkar

Intern, LitmusChaos
My name is Deep Poharkar, currently a final-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology. I am an active contributor to LitmusChaos and a mentee in both the LFX Mentorship and Google Summer of Code programs. Currently, I am working with AWS through GSoC... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 16:40 - 18:10 JST
Hall A (2)

17:30 JST

GPU Distributed Caching for PyTorch Leveraging NVMe, GDS, and RDMA - Hope Wang, Alluxio
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
As GPUs become increasingly powerful, the separation between compute and storage often results in underutilized GPUs waiting for data. Meanwhile, high-performance components on GPU machines, such as NVMe storage and fast networks leveraging InfiniBand or special NICs, remain idle. Effectively leveraging these hardware resources to address GPU underutilization is a critical challenge. In this talk, we introduce a Kubernetes-native distributed caching layer that leverages NVMe disks and fast networks to optimize PyTorch training data access. Utilizing stateless workers for scalability and ETCD for membership services, this caching layer efficiently manages and serves data. Cached data is rapidly and efficiently fed into GPU memory using NVIDIA's DALI data loader, GPUDirect Storage (GDS), and Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA), significantly reducing data transfer bottlenecks and improving overall training performance.
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Hope Wang

Developer Advocate, Alluxio
Hope Wang is a Presto Contributor and a Developer Advocate at Alluxio. She has a decade of experience in Data, AI, and Cloud. An open-source contributor to PrestoDB, Trino, and Alluxio, she currently works at Alluxio as a developer advocate and previously worked in venture capital... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
Hall B (4)

17:30 JST

Effective and Efficient: Learn from AGL’s Delivery Process, Backed by Data and Analytics - Agustin Benito Bethencourt, Toscalix & Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar, Bitergia
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
AGL's delivery process is the finest and most mature example in the open of a complex automotive software-defined production system. This presentation explores the AGL's delivery process through an analysis of basic flow metrics, attendees will gain an understanding of its performance and its evolution over time. As automotive companies balance internal software development requirements with working in the upstream AGL project, we offer a data-first approach to help align those efforts. The session dissects the fundamental principles of advanced data analytics applied to the production of software-defined products, using AGL's delivery process as a case study. Attendees will gain insights into leveraging analytics for optimizing software delivery in their respective domains. Additionally, practical strategies will be offered for translating the concepts, metrics, and methodologies, into actionable plans for adoption within automotive corporations. Finally, the speakers will provide hints about those open source development and delivery practices that can increase delivery performance in commercial environments, based on the analysis described in this talk.
avatar for Agustin Benito Bethencourt

Agustin Benito Bethencourt

Independent Consultant, Toscalix
Business Intelligence applied to the production of software-defined products. Agustín has guided organizations throughout the life cycle of OSS based products and services cross-markets. As an independent consultant, he is focused on helping organizations in two ways: applying advanced... Read More →
avatar for Daniel Izquierdo

Daniel Izquierdo

CEO, Bitergia
Daniel Izquierdo is a researcher and co-founder of Bitergia and currently holding the position of CEO, he is focused on the quality of the data, research of new metrics, analysis and studies of interest for Bitergia customers via data mining and processing. Daniel earned a PhD in... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
Hall B (3)

17:30 JST

Bug Hunting in Distributed Systems: Using Robustness Tests to Test Your Code Better - Chun-Hung Tseng, Swisscom & Arka Saha, Broadcom
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
Traditional testing methods like unit and integration tests are great for functional validation in isolation, but are they enough for distributed systems? Distributed systems need to deal with real-world failures such as network issues, hardware errors, and race conditions. One of the proven ways to test these systems is to inject failures during testing and see if the system still works as expected. This is called robustness testing, where you run the system like it would be used in real life. Jespen is one of the first frameworks to test distributed systems by simulating such real-world scenarios and validating the operational history. Inspired by Jespen, etcd, the backbone of Kubernetes, built its own testing framework. This framework is written in Golang and for Golang projects, allowing even more failure types on the fly and verifying if the data stays consistent using Porcupine. As etcd contributors, we will share our challenges in writing tests to force failure via gofail and our journey of developing, leveraging, and debugging issues caught by this ever-evolving framework, so that you can apply the findings to your projects with minimal tweaks.
avatar for Arka Saha

Arka Saha

Software Engineer, Broadcom
Arka Saha, a Broadcom Software Engineer, leads Kubernetes releases & maintenance for Tanzu Extended Support. He manages VMware by Broadcom's Prow infrastructure, ensuring long-term support for k8s, etcd, containers, Golang & related components. Previously he managed Red Hat OpenShift... Read More →
avatar for Chun-Hung Tseng

Chun-Hung Tseng

DevOps Engineer, Swisscom
Henry is a CK* certified DevOps Engineer who works in a team building the cloud-native 5G core at Swisscom. He brings a rich background from his prior experience as a software engineer. His passion for automation and problem-solving leads him to contribute to open-source projects... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
Hall A (3)

17:30 JST

eBPF BoF - Shung-Hsi Yu, SUSE
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
Since its introduction 10 years ago, eBPF has steadily gain grounds in networking, tracing, observability, and security applications. But a great technology cannot not thrive on the technical part alone, the people part matters, too. This session hopes to bring eBPF user, developers, and enthusiasts together to exchange novel ideas, discuss best practices, share pain points, and most importantly, collaborate and grow together as a community.
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Shung-Hsi Yu

Kernel Engineer, SUSE
Mainly working on maintaining the eBPF stack of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) distribution. Currently drawn to the inner working of eBPF verifier and formal verification. Based in Taitung, Taiwan.
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
Hall A (4)

17:30 JST

OSS Bird’s Eye View : a Comprehensive Picture of the Open - Taishi Yoneshima, Japan OSS Promotion Forum / NEC & Shinji Enoki, Japan OSS Promotion Forum / LibreOffice Japanese Team
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
“The OSS Bird’s Eye View” provides a comprehensive picture of the open source ecosystem. “The OSS Bird’s Eye View” is a tool for visualizing OSS projects, created by community within Japan. This diagram helps to understand the categories and trends of the OSS ecosystem. In this session, we will explain how to create the OSS Bird’s Eye View and how to use it. Also, by comparing past OSS Bird’s Eye Views, we will introduce what kind of transitions have occurred in OSS over the past 10 years, and show how the OSS Bird’s Eye View has deepened our understanding of the OSS ecosystem. This session is beneficial for all people who are beginners in OSS, community leaders, developers, researchers, educators, and those who want to utilize OSS in business. We look forward to your participation.
avatar for Shinji Enoki

Shinji Enoki

Japan OSS Promotion Forum / LibreOffice Japanese Team
Shinji Enoki ia member of the OSS Bird's Eye View team of the Japan OSS Promotion Forum. His other community activities are a member of the LibreOffice Japanese Team, a substitute member of Membership Committee of The Document Foundation, a volunteer staff of Japan UNIX Society, a... Read More →
avatar for Taishi Yoneshima

Taishi Yoneshima

Leader / Assistant Manager, Japan OSS Promotion Forum / NEC
He is a leading member of the Open Source Program Office in NEC Corporation, and promoting OSS utilization and risk mitigation within the company, developing solutions related to SBOM and OSS security, and proposing secure utilization of OSS. He is a leader of Bird's-eye View WG of... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
Hall A (1)

17:30 JST

SBOM Implementation Reality: From Crawl to Walk - SPDX Lite Profile for the First Step - Norio Kobota, Sony Group Corporation & Takashi Ninjouji, Toshiba Corporation
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
This session will introduce the SPDX Lite profile, its background, and what and how it solves with many JSON examples. The Lite profile of SPDX 3.0 is designed to make it quick and easy to start creating a Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) when a company has limited capacity for introducing new items into its process. Over the past few years, the importance of SBOM has increased. As interest in SBOM from government agencies and industries grows, the SBOM specification extends significantly to meet these various needs. SPDX Lite is a lightweight and compact SBOM specification. The OpenChain Project Japan WG explores and promotes SBOM. The focus is on making the SBOM practical from security assurance and license compliance perspectives and on sharing and transferring SBOM across the global software supply chain in any industry. SPDX Lite is one of the achievements of collaboration between the OpenChain project and the SPDX project. Attendees in this session will learn the first steps to creating an SBOM using the Lite profile of SPDX 3.0 by several examples of SBOM documents that address regulations and requirements.
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Norio Kobota

Senior Open Source Strategist, Sony Group Corporation
Norio Kobota is a Senior Open Source Strategist in Sony Group Corporation. He is the chair of Open Source Software License Committee in Sony and works to improve OSS compliance and relationships with OSS communities. He represents Sony as a board member of OpenChain Project. And he... Read More →
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Takashi Ninjouji

Chief Specialist, Toshiba Corporation
Takashi Ninjouji, Chief Specialist at Toshiba Corporation, works on open source, open standards, and compliance and was the first head of OSPO. He is strongly attracted to open source to collaborate with diverse communities. He is a member of the OpenChain Project's governing board... Read More →
Monday October 28, 2024 17:30 - 18:10 JST
Main Hall

18:10 JST

Tux Trek
Monday October 28, 2024 18:10 - 19:30 JST
When day 1 sessions conclude, connect with fellow attendees over refreshing drinks, and tasty appetizers, at the Tux Trek! Head to the Solutions Showcase to network, explore cutting-edge sponsor products and check out the latest tech trends. Here's to an evening of enjoyment and technological innovation!
Monday October 28, 2024 18:10 - 19:30 JST
Solutions Showcase
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